State synchronization between multiple clients
The server-state-sync is used for managing multiple states server side and allow clients to connect to them. Every time a client updates a state, those changes will automatically be broadcasted to all other clients also connected to that state. This is very useful for chatting applications, games, real-time editing with multiple editors and much more.
npm install server-state-sync
yarn add server-state-sync
Server Side
Minimal configuration
import { StateSyncer } from 'server-state-sync';
const PORT = 5000;
const stateSyncer = new StateSyncer();
stateSyncer.start(PORT).then(() => {});
Creating a new state
const generatedStateIdentifier = stateSyncer.createState(StateOptions);
If you do not give the state an identifier, a generated one will be returned. If a state already exists with the same identifier, null will be returned.
Creating a new state with custom identifier
identifier: 'abc'
Creating a new state with initial value
initialValue: {
property: 'value'
Remove states
stateSyncer.removeState('stateIdentifier'); // Returns true if state was deleted, false if it did not exist
syncer.removeAllStates(); // removes all states
Get the value of a state
stateSyncer.getValueOfState('stateIdentifier'); // Returns undefined if no states matches the stateIdentifier
State lifecycles
selfDestruct: (numberOfClientsLeft, timeOfCreation) => {
if (numberOfClientsLeft === 0) {
return true
return false;
selfDestruct: (numberOfClientsLeft, timeOfCreation) => {
if (new Date().getTime() - timeOfCreation.getTime() > 1000 * 60 * 60) {
return true
return false;
ttl: 1000 * 60 * 60
By default, a state will never be destroyed. You can however override this behaviour with the selfDestruct or ttl properties. For selfDestruct, the first argument is the number of connected clients left, could be useful if you want to destroy your state if no clients are connected ot it anymore. Second argument is the time of the state creation. Returning true means the state will be destroyed. This function will be called everytime a client disconnects. Using the ttl property, you give your state a fixed number of milliseconds to live. In the example above, the state will live for 1 hour before being destroyed.
Client Side
Connect client to StateSyncer
import { Client } from 'server-state-sync';
const client = new Client('ws://...', 'clientIdentifier', 'accessToken');
client.onConnection().then(() => {})
First argument is the endpoint of the StateSyncer. Second argument is a unique id for this client. Third argument is an optional access token that can be decoded/validated in the StateSyncer.
Connect a client to a StateSyncer state
client.connectToState('stateIdentifier').then(() => {});
Update State property
property: 'new value'
Update nested state property
property: {
nestedProperty: 'value'
Each state update will be sent to the StateSyncer to be synchronized and broadcasted to other connected clients of this state.
Listen to state updates
client.addStateUpdateListener('listenerIdentifier', (newUpdates, previousValuesOfUpdatedProperties) => {
console.log(newUpdates, previousValuesOfUpdatedProperties);
}, ['property']);
You can add multiple listeners that will listen to specific properties of the state. If you add 2 listeners with the same listenerIdentifier, only the latest one will be used. Very useful when dealing with react lifecycles.
Remove state update listener
Get entire state
Error handling
client.onError().then((e) => console.error(e));
Server side
import url from 'url';
stateSyncer.useAuthorizationMiddleware((request, callback) => {
// extract token
const token = url.parse(request.url, true).query.token;
//validate token
const isValid = validateToken(token);
if (isValid) {
const clientInformation = getClientInfoFromToken(token);
callback(clientInformation, true);
} else {
callback(null, false);
By using this middleware, every time a client connects to the StateSyncer this function will run. You can validate your token here, extract details from that token and when you are all done, call the callback function with the first argument being some sort of data (maybe client information or permissions) and the second one being wether the authorization has been successeful or not.
Allow client to connect to state
allowConnectingClient: (clientInformation) => {
if (clientInformation.permissions.includes('somePermission')) {
return true;
return false;
If you only want to allow specific users to connect to a state, you can do the above. This function will be called everytime a client tries to connect to a state. Returning true means the client is free to connect.
Intercept state changes (Server Side)
interceptStateUpdate: (updates, clientInformation) => {
if (clientInformation.permissions.includes('somePermission')) {
return updates;
return null;
If you want to intercept state changes on a specific state, use the interceptStateUpdate property. This is useful if you would like to validate some data, store the changes in a database, check for permissions or simply modify the data. If you return null, nothing will be stored and nothing will be broadcasted to any other connected clients.
Update states server-side
syncer.updateStateValue('stateIdentifier', updates, clientInformation)
The interceptStateUpdate will be called during this call. clientInformation is optional
Make StateSyncer run in SSL mode
import fs from 'fs';
const stateSyncer = new StateSyncer({
cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/cert.pem'),
key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/key.pem')
If you want to run your StateSyncer in SSL mode, simply give the constructor a cert and a key, it will automatically start in SSL mode.
Full example
Server side
import { StateSyncer } from 'server-state-sync';
import url from 'url';
const stateSyncer = new StateSyncer();
stateSyncer.useAuthorizationMiddleware((request, callback) => {
const token = url.parse(request.url, true).query.token;
if (isTokenValid(token)) {
const clientInformation = extractInfoFromToken(token); // { email: [email protected] }
callback(clientInformation, true);
} else {
callback(null, false);
stateSyncer.start(5000).then(() => {
identifier: 'myGroupChat',
initialValue: {
chatMessages: []
allowConnectingClient: (clientInformation) => {
if ( === '[email protected]') {
return true;
return false;
selfDestruct: (numberOfClients, timeSinceCreation) => {
if (numberOfClients === 0) {
return true;
return false;
Client side
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { Client } from 'server-state-sync';
const ChatWidget = () => {
const [ messages, setMessages ] = useState([]);
const clientRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
const client = new Client('ws://localhost:5000', 'userIdentifier', 'accessToken');
client.onConnection().then(() => {
client.connectToState('abc').then((state) => {
// when connectToState is done, the entire backend state is fetched, meaning you can initialize your react state from that.
// Listen for new chatMessages
client.addStateUpdateListener('client', (updates) => {
}, ['chatMessages']);
clientRef.current = client;
}, []);
const onSendMessage = () => {
chatMessages: [
{ content: 'This is a new message' }
return (
{ => (
<button onClick={onSendMessage}>Send Message</button>