declare asynchronous operations sequentially
Declare asynchronous operations sequentially in CooffeeScript
This module allows writing deeply-nested asynchronous code in CoffeeScript in a sequential manner.
This is intended to be used from CoffeScript, as it takes advantage
of that language's syntax. Other modules such as
Async (async.series
or async-queue
are probably a better match for JavaScript.
Steps to be executed sequentially are defined in a declarative manner:
sequentially = require 'sequentially'
sequentially ->
@step (done) ->
console.log "FIRST"
done null, 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "SECOND: ", value
done null, value + 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "THIRD", value
setTimeout done, 2000, null, value
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "FOURTH", value
done null
@on_error (err) ->
console.log "ERROR", err
Note the optional on_error
function that will handle errors
that occur at any point in the sequence.
Each step in the sequence should use its done
to execute and pass arguments to the next step.
The first argument passed to done
should be not null to
in indicate an error that will abort the sequence and execute
the error handler.
Note that the function passed to sequentially
is executed
with this
pointing to an special object. So, if you need
to access the outer this
you should assign it to a local variable:
sequentially = require 'sequentially'
self = this
sequentially ->
@step (done) ->
console.log "FIRST"
done null, 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "SECOND: ", value
done value + 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "THIRD", value
setTimeout @next, 2000, null, value
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "FOURTH", value
@error (err) ->
console.log "ERROR", err
Or, since version 2.1, you can simply use the scope
that defines the this
value with which the steps are executed:
sequentially = require 'sequentially'
sequentially (scope: this) ->
@step (done) ->
console.log "FIRST"
@f() # 'this' has the same value as in the outer scope
done null, 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "SECOND: ", value
done value + 1
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "THIRD", value
setTimeout @next, 2000, null, value
@step (value, done) ->
console.log "FOURTH", value
@error (err) ->
console.log "ERROR", err