Manage Sequelize models
Manage Sequelize models
You can use Sequelizr from the command line with the following commands:
Check models match database
Check if models match database tables.
sequelizr check [opts]
Command Options:
--server, -s, --host Server [string] [default: "localhost"]
--database, -d Database [string]
--tables, -t Tables [array]
--username, --user, -u User [string]
--password, -p Password [string]
--port, -r Port [number]
--dialect, -l Dialect [string] [choices: "mysql", "mssql"]
--models, -m, --directory Model Directory [string] [default: "."]
--quiet, -q Build Models Silently [boolean] [default: false]
--sort, -x Sort fields and attributes [boolean] [default: false]
--config, -c Config File [string]
Global Options:
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
Download models from database
Create model files from database tables.
sequelizr download [opts]
Command Options:
--server, -s, --host Server [string] [default: "localhost"]
--database, -d Database [string]
--tables, -t Tables [array]
--username, --user, -u User [string]
--password, -p Password [string]
--port, -r Port [number]
--dialect, -l Dialect [string] [choices: "mysql", "mssql"]
--models, -m, --directory Model Directory [string] [default: "."]
--overwrite, -o Overwrite files if they exist [boolean] [default: false]
--quiet, -q Build Models Silently [boolean] [default: false]
--sort, -x Sort fields and attributes [boolean] [default: false]
--config, -c Config File [string]
Global Options:
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
Upload models to database
Create database tables from model files.
sequelizr upload [opts]
Command Options:
--server, -s, --host Server [string] [default: "localhost"]
--database, -d Database [string]
--tables, -t Tables [array]
--username, --user, -u User [string]
--password, -p Password [string]
--port, -r Port [number]
--dialect, -l Dialect [string] [choices: "mysql", "mssql"]
--models, -m, --directory Model Directory [string] [default: "."]
--overwrite, -o Drop tables before creating them [boolean] [default: false]
--alter, -a Alters tables to fit models [boolean] [default: false]
--quiet, -q Build Models Silently [boolean] [default: false]
--sort, -x Sort fields and attributes [boolean] [default: false]
--config, -c Config File [string]
Global Options:
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
You can also use Sequelizr programmatically.
const {checkModels, downloadModels, uploadModels} = require("sequelizr");
const config = require("./config");
You can use a config file instead of cli arguments. The file can be a JSON or JavaScript file that exports an object.
Example config:
// config.js
module.exports = {
database: "database",
username: "username",
password: "password",
host: "host",
port: 1433,
dialect: "mssql",
directory: "C:\\models\\database",
tables: ["table1", "table2"],
dialectOptions: {...},
quiet: false, // Build tables silently. Don't output percent complete.
sort: false, // sort fields and attributes to be more deterministic.
// `check` specific options
includeViews: true, // Check models for views along with tables. Default = true
output: true, // TRUE(default) = Output errors to console
// FALSE = Reject error string
// EventEmitter = emit "error" for each error
// `download` specific options
overwrite: false, // Overwrite model files. Default = false
includeViews: true, // Download models for views along with tables. Default = true
// `upload` specific options
overwrite: false, // Drop tables before create. Default = false
alter: false, // Alters tables to fit models. Default = false