Generate your sequelize-typescript models codes from a postgres or mysql database
Automatically generate your codes based on any database: postgres, mysql, mssql or sqlite. Through a relational database you can automatically generate the development files:
- Models
- Forms
- Sql's
- Anything you want
Get Started
Node Js v10 or higher installation required
Globally install the package:
npm install ferreiro -g
Run the command below to verify the installation:
ferreiro --help
The command should display the list of options:
ferreiro --help
Usage: ferreiro [options]
--genenv Generate env file in root path
--dialect Select dialect postgres, mysql or mssql
--database <name> Name of database
--schema <schema name> schema
--host <host> Host of database
--port <port> Port number
--user <host> User of database
--pw Password of database
--env <path> User of database
--tables <table1, table2, ...> tables of db
--skipTables <table1, table2, ...> skip tables of db
--template <path> path of template generate files
--overwriteFile <true|false (default false)> overwrite file in out dir
--dbug <true|false> Show dbug logs
--outDir <path> path of generated files
-h, --help output usage information
Set up the environment
Run the command below to create the environment configuration file:
ferreiro --createenv
Configure o arquivo .env-gen.
dialect = [postgres, mysql, mssql or sqlite]
database = [ of database]
host =
pass = [..pass]
port = [..set a port]
schema = [..schema only in pg]
user = [..set user]
Generate the first codes
Ferreiro is divided into two parts:
- Core: Analyzes the data in the database and passes the template as its body
- Template: Analyzes the data coming from the core to write files depending on the logic of the template
All logic of the template is written using the tool handlebarsjs, for more information see the documentation of this tool.
Rest assured, you will understand everything through practical examples.
Create table named files containing information about them
Create a folder with the name of your choice, this folder will contain all files related to the template. In our case the folder name will be: new-template Inside the folder create a folder with the name of example01: In examble01/ create file named example01/index.hbs content:
{{#each this.tableData}}
{{fileName '' (camelcase this.tablename true) '.txt'}}
Name of table {{this.tablename}}
{{#each this.fields}}
Name: {{}}
type: {{this.type}}
allowNull: {{this.allowNull}}
defaultValue: {{this.defaultValue}}
comment: {{this.comment}}
primaryKey: {{this.primaryKey}}
isIdentity: {{this.isIdentity}}
identity: {{this.identity}}
isPrimaryKey: {{this.isPrimaryKey}}
isUniqueKey: {{this.isUniqueKey}}
isSerialKey: {{this.isSerialKey}} (only pg)
isForeignKey: {{this.isForeignKey}}
{{#if this.isForeignKey}}
Fk Information:
constraint_name: {{this.foreignKey.constraint_name}}
source_schema: {{this.foreignKey.source_schema}}
source_table: {{this.foreignKey.source_table}}
source_column: {{this.foreignKey.source_column}}
target_schema: {{this.foreignKey.target_schema}}
target_table: {{this.foreignKey.target_table}}
target_column: {{this.foreignKey.target_column}}
contype: {{this.foreignKey.contype}}
extra: {{this.foreignKey.extra}}
Generate the example template and see the output that will be sent to the directory informed in "outDir"
ferreiro --template ./ --outDir ./build-gen --env .env-gen --overwriteFile true
Loaded 93 tables of db TEST
Loaded undefined config file
Loaded 0 script file(s)
Find 1 file(s) in /home/user/new-example template.
Generated 93 file(s) in /new-example/build-gen.
The command will generate the files based on your database, inside the build-gen folder.
Create file containing the name of the tables and their fields
Create another example ./example02/index.hbs containing:
{{fileName 'lists.txt'}}
{{#each this.tableData}}
Fields: {{#each this.fields}}{{}},{{/each}}
ferreiro --template ./ --outDir ./build-gen --env .env-gen --overwriteFile true
Sending extra information to the template
To send extra information you need to create a .json file from the root of the template, see the example:
create file ./example03/config.json
"data": {
"extra-str": "Hello extra info",
"extra-obj": {
"name": "Leonardo",
"age": "26"
"extra-array": [{
"name": "Teste"
}, {
"name": "Teste2"
create file ./example03/index.hbs containing:
{{fileName 'test-extra.txt'}}
Extra string: {{}}
Extra obj:
name: {{}}
age: {{}}
Extra array:
name: {{}}
ferreiro --template ./ --outDir ./build-gen --env .env-gen --overwriteFile true
Create first javascript helper
Create another example ./example04/helper.js containing:
module.exports = (Handlebars) => {
Handlebars.registerHelper('sum', function (val1, val2) {
return Number(val1) + Number(val2);
Handlebars.registerHelper('concat', function (val1, val2) {
return val1 + val2;
Handlebars.registerHelper('autor', function (val1, val2) {
return "Ferreiro";
Create hbs file ./example04/index.js containing:
{{fileName 'test-helper.txt'}}
Sum 1: {{sum 40 20}}
Sum 2: {{sum 15 15}}
Name: {{concat 'Ferreiro' '-v1'}}
by {{autor}}
ferreiro --template ./ --outDir ./build-gen --env .env-gen --overwriteFile true
after template build:
Sum 1: 60
Sum 2: 30
Name: Ferreiro-v1
by Ferreiro
See more about helpers at Handlebars Helpers
Default helpers
upper [string]
upper case of text
lower [string]
lower case of text
exists [val]
return true if val !== undefined && val !== null
use to template contains {{ see:
build to
keys [obs]
return Object.keys(obj)
camelcase [string] [boolean pascalCase (default true)]
camelcase lib see: Camelcase
return new Date();
negate [arg]
return !arg;
ifequal [comp1] [comp2]
return comp1 === comp2;
arrayContainString [arr] [value]
return arr.findIndex(el => el === value) !== -1;
fileName [...args]
set a file name ...
set [name] [value]
create template variable
{{fileName 'test.txt'}}
{{set 'age' '26'}}
{{set 'name' 'Leonardo'}}
Name: {{get 'name'}}
Age: {{get 'age'}}
build to:
Name: Leonardo
Age: 26