This is the experimental code for the Sequelize ORM.
This is the experimental code for the Sequelize ORM.
- Node.js
- MariaDB (This sample application targets MariaDB.)
Getting Started
Create sample DB
Create DB.
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `sequelize-es6-class-sample` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4; USE `sequelize-es6-class-sample`;
Create sample table.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `office`; CREATE TABLE `office` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `city` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; INSERT INTO `office`(`id`, `city`) VALUES (1, 'San Francisco'), (2, 'Boston'), (3, 'NYC'), (4, 'Paris'), (5, 'Tokyo'), (6, 'Sydney'), (7, 'London'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `employee`; CREATE TABLE `employee` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `officeId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uk_employee_1` (`officeId`, `name`), CONSTRAINT `fk_employee_1` FOREIGN KEY (`officeId`) REFERENCES `office` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; INSERT INTO `employee`(`officeId`,`name`) VALUES (1, 'Diane'), (1, 'Mary'), (2, 'Julie'), (3, 'Foon Yue'), (4, 'Gerard'), (5, 'Mami'), (6, 'William'), (7, 'Larry');
Check registration details.
SELECT, FROM employee join office on employee.officeId = ORDER BY; +---------------+----------+ | city | name | +---------------+----------+ | Boston | Julie | | London | Larry | | NYC | Foon Yue | | Paris | Gerard | | San Francisco | Mary | | San Francisco | Diane | | Sydney | William | | Tokyo | Mami | +---------------+----------+
Run the sample program.
The executed SQL is output to "./debug.log".
You can monitor the debug log with the following command.
npm run log;
Search all offices.
npx babel-node src/searchAllOffices;
# Search all offices: [
# {
# id: 1,
# city: 'San Francisco',
# created: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z
# },
# {
# id: 2,
# city: 'Boston',
# created: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z
# },
# ...
# ]
Search all offices.
npx babel-node src/searchOffices;
# [
# {
# id: 1,
# city: 'San Francisco',
# created: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z
# },
# {
# id: 2,
# city: 'Boston',
# created: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T02:39:30.000Z
# },
# ...
# ]
Search all employees.
npx babel-node src/searchEmployees;
# [
# {
# id: 1,
# officeId: 1,
# name: 'Diane',
# created: 2021-01-18T03:10:42.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T03:10:42.000Z
# },
# {
# id: 2,
# officeId: 1,
# name: 'Mary',
# created: 2021-01-18T03:10:42.000Z,
# modified: 2021-01-18T03:10:42.000Z
# },
# ]
Search by adding office information to employees.
npx babel-node src/searchEmployeesJoinOffice;
# Added an office with ID = 8
# { name: 'Diane', office: { city: 'San Francisco' } },
# { name: 'Mary', office: { city: 'San Francisco' } },
# ...
# ]
Add office.
npx babel-node src/addOffices;
# Added an office with ID = 8
Cause deadlock.
npx babel-node src/causeDeadlock;
Directory structure
├── src # Sample program file
│ ├── shared # Common module
│ │ ├──Model.js # Model base class
│ │ └──Database.js # DB connection class
│ ├── config # Configuration file.
│ │ └──database.js # DB connection config
│ ├── model # Model subclass
│ │ ├──OfficeModel.js # Office model
│ │ └──EmployeeModel.js # Employee model
│ ├── searchOffices.js # Office search sample code
│ ├── searchEmployees.js # Employee search sample code
│ └── searchEmployeesJoinOffice.js # Model subclass
└── .babelrc # babel transpile option
How to make a model class.
Add a new model class file to the 'src/model' directory.
Here, we will add a sample model as an example.
Inherit the shared / Model class.
Define the table names that the model will access and the columns for that table.
You can now access the sample table from the sample model.src/model/SampleModel.js:
import Model from '../shared/Model'; export default (class extends Model { /** * Returns the table name. */ static get table() { return 'sample'; } /** * Returns the columns of the table. */ static get attributes() { return { id: { type: this.DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, name: this.DataTypes.STRING, created: this.DataTypes.DATE, modified: this.DataTypes.DATE }; } }).attach();
The following is an example of searching the sample table.
import SampleModel from './model/SampleModel'; (async () => { // Search for sample records. const rows = await SampleModel.findAll({ raw: true }); })();
- DeadLock investigation in MySQL (InnoDB) - Qiita
- MySQL InnoDB Deadlock For 2 simple insert queries - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
- MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 15.7.1 InnoDB Locking
- Illustrate the mechanism and scope of next key lock in MySQL (InnoDB)