benchmark for sequelize orm
Sequelize Benchmark
Benchmark which is used to measure sequelize performance
It support all possible sequelize
environment configuration. Following ENV
varibales are available generally
`SEQ_USER`, Username for database
`SEQ_PW`, Password for database
`SEQ_DB`, Database name
`SEQ_HOST`, Host addresss
`SEQ_PORT`, Host port
`SEQ_POOL_MAX`, Maximum concurrent connection
`SEQ_POOL_MIN`, Minimum concurrent connection
`DIALECT`, Dialect to use , `mysql` default
`LARGE_SAMPLE_SIZE`, Sample size for large tests
`SMALL_SAMPLE_SIZE`, Sample size for small tests
How to install and use
# Install sequelize-benchmark globally
npm install -g sequelize-benchmark
# Open your local sequelize development path
cd /path/to/sequelize
# Run benchmark
DIALECT=<postgres | mysql | sqlite | mssql > sequelize-benchmark
Using via NPM Link (Hard mode)
# Open your local sequelize development path
cd /path/to/sequelize
# Link current repo with sequelize global symlink
npm link # may be --production as well
# Clone benchmarking repository via
git clone
# Open the `sequelize-benchmark` path
cd /path/to/sequelize-benchmark
# Install required node modules
npm install
# Now use the `sequelize` from your local sequelize repository
npm link sequelize
# Run benchmark
npm run <test-mysql | test-pg | test-sqlite | test-pg-native | test-mssql>
ECONNRESET when running mysql benchmark
In case you get ECONNRESET error when starting benchmark, try to increase max_package_size
of your mysql server.
You can do this with query (it will work till reboot):
SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;
or by editing mysql configuration.