Detects ad blockers (AdBlock, ...)
Use with caution!
This Beta is still experimental and the bugs may be present.
To contribute to this Beta, go here:
FuckAdBlock (4.0.0-beta.3)
Online example:
(A version with a more correct name exists: BlockAdBlock)
Valid on
- Google Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
- Mozilla Firefox (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
- Internet Explorer (9+)
- Safari (iOS, Mac, Windows)
- Adblock Browser (Android, iOS)
- The list is really very long...
Install via
Download "fuckadblock.min.js" and add it to your site
bower install fuckadblock
npm install fuckadblock
<<<<<<< HEAD bower install fuckadblock
Code example (basic)
<!doctype html>
<script src="//"></script>
<script>var fuckAdBlock = undefined;</script>
<script src="./fuckadblock.min.js"></script>
// We create the function that will be executed if AdBlock is detected
var adBlockDetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('yes');
// We create the function that will be executed if AdBlock is NOT detected
var adBlockUndetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('no');
// We observe if the variable "fuckAdBlock" exists
if(typeof FuckAdBlock === 'undefined') {
// If it does not exist, it means that AdBlock blocking the script FuckAdBlock
// Therefore the function "adBlockDetected" is executed
// PS: The function is executed on the "document ready" in order to select the HTML with jQuery
} else {
// Otherwise, our functions we add to FuckAdBlock for a classic detection
fuckAdBlock.on(true, adBlockDetected).on(false, adBlockUndetected);
<body style="font-family: Sans-Serif;">
<h1>AdBlock detected: <span>loading...</span></h1>
>>>>>>> v4.x
Code example (instance and plugin option)
<!doctype html>
<script src="//"></script>
<script>var fuckAdBlock = false, FuckAdBlock = undefined;</script>
<script src="./fuckadblock.min.js"></script>
var adBlockDetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('yes');
var adBlockUndetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('no');
if(typeof FuckAdBlock === 'undefined') {
} else {
var myFuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock;
myFuckAdBlock.on(true, adBlockDetected).on(false, adBlockUndetected);
$(document).ready(function() {
myFuckAdBlock.check(['http'], {
http: {
baitMode: 'import',
baitUrl: '',
<body style="font-family: Sans-Serif;">
<h1>AdBlock detected: <span>loading...</span></h1>
Code example (maximum security)
<!doctype html>
<script src="//"></script>
The variables used by FuckAdBlock is initialized
to be sure that another script has not used
<script>var fuckAdBlock = undefined, FuckAdBlock = undefined;</script>
Added the attribute "integrity" to be sure that the original script
is not modified by an extension or other.
<script src="./fuckadblock.min.js" integrity="sha256-YQPO7mqk9cszSMNteCQ6YaPdRYmlJuR7CG1JP/CUa3s="></script>
var adBlockDetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('yes');
var adBlockUndetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('no');
if(typeof FuckAdBlock === 'undefined') {
} else {
fuckAdBlock.on(true, adBlockDetected).on(false, adBlockUndetected);
// It removes the variable "fuckadblock" and "FuckAdBlock
// so that it not be exploited by another script later
// but beware, you can not use it too!
fuckAdBlock = undefined;
// Do not use FuckAdBlock outside this area
// (between importing the script and the line above)
<body style="font-family: Sans-Serif;">
<h1>AdBlock detected: <span>loading...</span></h1>
List of SHA256:
- fuckadblock.js:
- fuckadblock.min.js:
More information about the attribute "integrity": Subresource Integrity
Code example (other)
fuckAdBlock.on(true, adBlockDetected);
fuckAdBlock.on(false, adBlockUndetected);
// or
fuckAdBlock.onDetected(true, adBlockDetected).onNotDetected(adBlockNotDetected);
timeout: 100,
Default options (FuckAdBlock)
// The number of milliseconds at the end of which it is considered that AdBlock is not enabled
timeout: 200
Default options (Plugins)
// Plugin "html"
// The number of milliseconds between each check
loopTime: 50
// Allow to use its own HTML element for checking
// If null, then the plugin itself created the element
baitElement: null
// CSS class used to catch AdBlock
baitClass: 'pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links'
// CSS style used to not see the bait
baitClass: 'width:1px!important;height:1px!important;position:absolute!important;left:-10000px!important;top:-1000px!important;'
// Chose the area (HTML element) which will add the bait
// If null, "window.document.body" used
baitParent: null
// Plugin "http"
// Use HTTP detection by AJAX ('ajax') or script tag ('import')
baitMode: 'ajax'
// The url called for detection
// {RANDOM} is replaced by a random number (useful against the cache)
baitUrl: '/ad/banner/_adsense_/_adserver/{RANDOM}'
Method available
// Allows to set options
// @options: object
// Allows to check if AdBlock is enabled
// @plugins: array (optional, default: all plugins)
// @options: object (optional, options selected plugins)
fuckAdBlock.check(plugins, options);
// Allows to add an event if AdBlock is detected
// @detected: boolean (true: detected, false: not detected)
// @callback: function
fuckAdBlock.on(detected, callback);
By default, FuckAdBlock is instantiated automatically. To block this automatic instantiation, simply create a variable "fuckAdBlock" with a value (null, false, ...) before importing the script.
<script>var fuckAdBlock = false;</script>
<script src="./fuckadblock.min.js"></script>
After that, you are free to create your own instances:
var myFuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock;
You can create a plugin like this:
This plugin detects randomly AdBlock. In this case, there is one chance in five that AdBlock is detected.
<!doctype html>
<script src="//"></script>
<script>var fuckAdBlock = false, FuckAdBlock = undefined;</script>
<script src="./fuckadblock.min.js"></script>
var adBlockDetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('yes');
var adBlockUndetected = function() {
$('h1 span').text('no');
if(typeof FuckAdBlock === 'undefined') {
} else {
var MyPluginRandom = function() {
FuckAdBlock.getPluginClass().apply(this, arguments);
chanceDetected: 0.5,
var data = {};
this.start = function() {
var self = this;
data.myTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
if(Math.random() <= self.options.get('chanceDetected')) {
} else {
}, 100);
return this;
this.stop = function() {
return this;
MyPluginRandom.pluginName = 'random';
MyPluginRandom.versionMin = [4, 0, 0];
var myFuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock;
myFuckAdBlock.on(true, adBlockDetected).on(false, adBlockUndetected);
$(document).ready(function() {
myFuckAdBlock.check(['random'], {
random: {
chanceDetected: 0.20,
<body style="font-family: Sans-Serif;">
<h1>AdBlock detected: <span>loading...</span></h1>
Plugin list
Here is a list of plugins (official or not):
No plugins for now