Hypixel Skyblock Senither Weight Calculator
senitherweight package
Basic Details
The npm-senitherweight package is a typescript package that takes Hypixel Skyblock API data and returns the player's senither weight. The package does not make the api calls so if an api call is required as a parameter, you will have to do that on your own.
- Senither - Creator of the weight formulas
npm i senitherweight
Total Weight Methods
Returns an object of total weight values for a player's profile given a Skyblock profile as a parameter.
// Example using the @zikeji/hypixel Api Wrapper.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
import { Client as Hypixel } from "@zikeji/hypixel";
const client = new Hypixel("API_KEY")
const profile = await client.skyblock.profiles.uuid(uuid)
const weight = senither.totalWeight(profile)
// Output:
total: 15000,
weight: 13000,
overflow: 2000
Skill Weight Methods
Returns the skill weight of a specified skill given the specified experience.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
let combatWeight = senither.skillWeight("combat", 2500000)
// Output:
{ total: 27.25162609118836, weight: 27.25162609118836, overflow: 0 }
Returns an object of skill weight values for a player's profile given a Skyblock profile as a parameter.
// Example using the @zikeji/hypixel Api Wrapper.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
import { Client as Hypixel } from "@zikeji/hypixel";
const client = new Hypixel("API_KEY")
const profile = await client.skyblock.profiles.uuid(uuid)
const skillWeight = senither.totalSkillWeight(profile)
// Output:
total: 0,
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
mining: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
foraging: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
enchanting: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
farming: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
combat: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
fishing: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
alchemy: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
taming: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
Slayer Weight Methods
Returns the slayer weight of a specified slayer given the specified experience.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
let svenWeight = senither.slayerWeight("sven", 25000)
// Output:
{ total: 12.7420998980632, weight: 12.7420998980632, overflow: 0 }
Returns an object of slayer weight values for a player's profile given a Skyblock profile as a parameter.
// Example using the @zikeji/hypixel Api Wrapper.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
import { Client as Hypixel } from "@zikeji/hypixel";
const client = new Hypixel("API_KEY")
const profile = await client.skyblock.profiles.uuid(uuid)
const slayerWeight = senither.totalSlayerWeight(profile)
// Output:
total: 0,
weight: 0,
overflow: 0,
revenant: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
tarantula: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
sven: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
enderman: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
Dungeon Weight Methods
Returns the dungeon weight of a specified dungeon skill or class given the specified experience.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
let catacombsWeight = senither.dungeonWeight("catacombs", 25000)
// Output:
{ total: 41.567850815986695, weight: 41.567850815986695, overflow: 0 }
Returns an object of dungeon weight values for a player's profile given a Skyblock profile as a parameter.
// Example using the @zikeji/hypixel Api Wrapper.
const senither = require("senitherweight");
import { Client as Hypixel } from "@zikeji/hypixel";
const client = new Hypixel("API_KEY")
const profile = await client.skyblock.profiles.uuid(uuid)
const dungeonWeight = senither.totalDungeonWeight(profile)
// Output:
total: 0,
weight: 0,
overflow: 0,
catacombs: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
healer: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
mage: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
berserker: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
archer: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
tank: {
weight: 0,
weight_overflow: 0,
The senitherweight package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License