An unfair headstart for your React Native apps.
Botics CLI
Why Botics CLI?
- Easily spin up a new React Native app with best practices built-in
- No runtime! This is a developer tool only, not a library you have to depend on and figure out how to upgrade
- An ever-expanding list of boilerplates and plugins to jump-start your app
- Battle tested and used every day by the developers at Infinite Red and thousands of developers around the world
- Works on macOS, Windows, and Linux because not all React Native developers are on one platform
- Saves an average of two weeks on your React Native development
:arrow_down: Install
First, make sure you're set up for React Native
Make sure you have a reasonably recent version of Node (7.6+ minimum). You can check your version of node by running
node -v
Install Yarn for your system.
$ yarn global add botics-cli
$ botics new MyNewAppName
Quick Example
Infinite Red provides two primary boilerplates; they are:
- Andross - the tried and true (React Navigation, Redux, & Redux Saga)
- Bowser - the latest and greatest (React Navigation, MobX State Tree, & TypeScript)
Use Ignite Bowser: Infinite Red Bowser boilerplate
$ yarn global add botics-cli
$ botics new PizzaApp
( Choose `Bowser` when prompted )
$ cd PizzaApp
$ botics generate screen pizza-location-list
( Choose `example` domain when prompted. This determines where your new screen will go in the directory structure. )
$ botics generate component pizza-location
( Choose `example` domain when prompted. This determines where your new screen will go in the directory structure. )
$ botics --help
Use Ignite Andross Infinite Red Andross boilerplate
$ yarn global add botics-cli
$ botics new PizzaApp
( Choose Andross when prompted )
$ cd PizzaApp
$ botics add maps
$ botics add vector-icons
$ botics generate screen PizzaLocationList
$ botics generate component PizzaLocation
$ botics generate map StoreLocator
$ botics add i18n
$ botics remove i18n
$ botics --help
:clipboard: Documentation :clipboard:
- Want to dive into the Ignite CLI documentation? Go here
- Looking for React Native's documentation? Go here.
:electric_plug: Plugins :electric_plug:
Check out the list of Plugins.
:plate_with_cutlery: Boilerplates :plate_with_cutlery:
Check out the list of Boilerplates.
$ botics new MyNewAppName -b ir-boilerplate