Mite plugin for seneca-sentinel.
A [Seneca.js][] testing toolkit
Lead Maintainer: Mircea Alexandru
- A production test system to test the external API of a Seneca application
- Need to be able to export the API description from seneca-web of all APIs
- A separate plugin/applition will run continuous tests against this API.
The test system is composed from two different parts:
- Mite - this is a minimal plugin that will be loaded by the host application to be tested. It will have minimum functionality to make sure it will not affect the host application.
- Seneca-sentinel - a fully independent WEB application that is offering:
- Can be used to monitor multiple mite-hosting applications from multiple clients. In this way, using a single/central Sentinel application more clients and their application.
- Can be used to monitor also non-mite HTTP applications. (TBD)
- User management - for access the application
- Mite management - possibility to defined and control remote mite access
- Monitor mite management
- Define tests suites with validation of response based on HTTP status/parambulator rules on JSON response
- Visualization of monitored health/test data by using:
- Internal charts - TBD
- Alarm management - manage internal alarm rules based on monitored application events. These alarms can trigger notification of two types:
- HTTP notifications - notifications that will be displayed in the Sentinel site
- E-mail notifications - email notifications sent to specific email addresses
- The mite plugin must be loaded by the host seneca application. No other configuration is required.
- To start the seneca-sentinel application please take a look on its documentation.
- After seneca-sentinel is started the connection to the application to be monitored can be added.
- Project status - under development, do not use in production.
A plugin for reporting basic application information.
This plugin will attach to a host seneca application and will report using HTTP API the basic health and configuration information about the host application.
npm install seneca-mite --save
var seneca = require('seneca')()
No configuration is required for this plugin. It can be controlled/configured from a remote seneca-sentinel application.
Take a look on seneca-sentinel for details
npm test