User authentication plugin for the seneca module.
A Seneca.js Auth Plugin
A user authentication plugin, using PassportJS for Express and Bell for Hapi.
Table of Contents
- Install
- Migration guide
- Plugins and modules
- Note about node version support
- Options deprecated or no longer supported
- Restrict Login
- JSON API and Redirects
- Example of using seneca-auth with Hapi
- Test
Lead Maintainers: Mircea Alexandru and Mihai Dima
For a gentle introduction to Seneca itself, see the site.
If you're using this plugin module, feel free to contact me on twitter if you have any questions! :) @rjrodger
Seneca compatibility
Supports Seneca versions 1.x - 3.x
npm install seneca-auth
Migration guide
Please see below the migration guide from older version to 0.4.x or above version.
A large part of the internal functionality of seneca-auth is now implemented as external plugins. Some of them are loaded by default in order to offer the basic functionality, some must be loaded explicitly.
Plugins and modules
| Functionality | Loaded by default | plugin | |-------------------------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Local strategy auth | No | seneca-local-auth | | Facebook strategy auth | No | seneca-facebook-auth | | Github strategy auth | No | seneca-github-auth | | Google strategy auth | No | seneca-google-auth | | LinkedIn strategy auth | No | seneca-linkedin-auth | | Twitter strategy auth | No | seneca-twitter-auth | | Redirect | Yes | auth-redirect | | Cookie token | Yes | auth-token-cookie | | Header token | No | auth-token-header | | Url matcher | Yes | auth-urlmatcher | | Restrict Login | No | auth-restrict-login |
Check the documentation of each plugin for details.
Note about node version support
Hapi is supported only if using node 4 or greater. When using node 0.1x only Express is supported.
Options deprecated or no longer supported
Some options are no longer supported:
- the service array that defines the auth strategies is no longer supported. Instead of this the auth strategies plugins must be loaded explicitly, each with its own options.sendemail
- the send email option (and send email functionality) is no longer
- see above
When one of these parameters are provided to seneca-auth it will be considered a fatal error. Please remove them from seneca-auth options and check the documentation.
Some options are deprecated:
- this parameter is deprecated. It is now an option for one of the two plugins that are used for storing/retrieving the auth-token from request/response - auth-token-cookie or auth-token-header
Restrict Login
Different conditions for login can be added by simply overriding the default behavior of seneca action with pattern:
role: 'auth', restrict: 'login'
This function must return:
- an object with at least
{ ok: true }
in case that login is allowed based on the implemented rules - an object with at least
{ ok: false, why: 'reason' }
in case that login is not allowed based on the implemented rules.
An example of this implementation is provided by the plugin auth-restrict-login. The restrict condition implemented by this plugin is based on the existence of a cookie value in the request.
If more conditions are required these can be implemented in separated seneca actions. All actions can then be added to seneca but make sure
to call seneca.prior
from each action to make sure that all conditions in the chain are verified.
JSON API and Redirects
NOTE: Take a look at the user accounts example or seneca-mvp example.
The redirect functionality is now implemented as a separate module. Please see auth-redirect documentation for details.
The redirect module is loaded by default by seneca-auth.
Login an existing user and set a login token. A new login entity is created for each login.
- default url path:
- options property:
Logout an existing user with an active login. The login entity is updated to reflect the end of the login.
- default url path:
- options property:
user - previously instance
Get the details of an existing, logged in user.
- default url path:
- options property:
This was previously the /auth/instance
Register a user and login automatically.
- default url path:
- options property:
- body should contain user information. Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: register
documentation for details.
create reset
Create a reset token
- default url path:
- options property:
- Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: create_reset
documentation for details.
Note: The response will not contain reset token or user data. The client of this application should make sure to re-define this action and send email to the user with reset token.
load reset
Load a user entity using a reset token.
- default url path:
- options property:
- Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: load_reset
documentation for details.
execute reset
Execute a password reset action.
- default url path:
- options property:
- Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: execute_reset
documentation for details.
update user
Update user data.
- default url path:
- options property:
- Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: update_user
documentation for details.
change password
Change user password.
- default url path:
- options property:
- Please refer to seneca-user at
cmd: change_password
documentation for details.
Example of using seneca-auth with Hapi
var _ = require('lodash')
var Chairo = require('chairo')
var Hapi = require('hapi')
var Bell = require('bell')
var Hapi_Cookie = require('hapi-auth-cookie')
var server = new Hapi.Server()
server.connection({port: 3000})
server.register([Hapi_Cookie, Bell, Chairo], function (err) {
var si = server.seneca
secure: true,
restrict: '/api'
si.add({role: 'test', cmd: 'service'}, function (args, cb) {
return cb(null, {something: 'else'})
role: 'web',
plugin: 'test',
use: {
prefix: '/api',
pin: {role: 'test', cmd: '*'},
map: {
service: {GET: true}
}, function(err){
server.start(function () {
The Senecajs org encourages open participation. If you feel you can help in any way, be it with documentation, examples, extra testing, or new features please get in touch.
npm test
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016, Richard Rodger and other contributors. Licensed under MIT.