Calculate frequency of semver major bumps over time
Semverflation is a software metric to track how frequently semver major of a package is bumped throughout the lifetime of the package's releases. Read the blog post.
This package is an implementation to calculate semverflation in modern JavaScript runtime environments. It only concerns itself with npm packages that follow semver. It can run in your terminal. Or you can consume it as a library inside a JavaScript runtime environment like a webpage or nodejs.
Few questions that may come to your mind.
Working Demo
You may also checkout the Codesandbox of the above deployed version.
Using package managers
# npm
npm install semverflation
# yarn
yarn add semverflation
# globally
npm install -g semverflation
Using CDNs like Skypack in HTML
<script type="module">
import semverflation from "";
// more code ensues
This is a pure ECMAScript Modules package.
Evergreen browser
import semverflation from "semverflation";
// grab the npm package
const url = new URL(``);
const pkg = await (await fetch(url)).json();
// pass the package, get unrounded score
const score = semverflation(pkg);
// or round to 2 decimal places
const roundScore = semverflation(pkg, { decimal: 2 });
Node with node-fetch
import fetch from "node-fetch";
const url = new URL(``);
const pkg = await (await fetch(url)).json();
const score = semverflation(pkg);
const roundScore = semverflation(pkg, { decimal: 2 });
With npx
npx semverflation react
Assuming, you have semverflation globally installed.
semverflation react
See help
npx semverflation --help
$ semverflation <name>
--decimal, -d Number of decimal places to round to
--help, -h Show help
--version, -v Show version
$ semverflation react --decimal 2
If you haven't read the post written by Zach, you should read it first.
Q. What is semver?
It's a software versioning specification. Read more.
Q. How is semverflation useful?
Semverflation is not a metric that concludes anything in of itself. A project with high or low semverflation may have multiple different reasons. Treat it as another metric along with various other ways of gauging the quality of a software package.
Q. What about browsers and other applications?
The scope of this utility is only limited to npm packages that are maintained following semver. Applications like browsers are out of scope and you would have to calculate semverflation of those manually using the formula.
Q. Why do I get not enough major versions to calculate semverfaltion
Semverflation looks at how many years has passed between the latest version and v1.0.0. If number of years elapsed is less than 1, it would bail out with the above error.
Q. What about packages that are yet to reach 1.0.0?
For such packages, semverflation would be calculated as 0
. Try running npx semverflation axios
as an example.
Issues or Questions?
Feel free to ask a question or report an issue. Open an issue
Code and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.