;-less.js // Make your JavaScript Code Semicolon-less
;-less.js // Make your JavaScript Code Semicolon-less
You don't need semicolons in most cases
Write semicolons in ONLY 5 cases
;-less // line starts with unary - operator
;+less // line starts with unary + opeartor
;/less/ // line starts with regexp literal
;[less] // line starts with array initializer
;(less) // line starts with grouping operator, such as IIFE
NOTE: In real-world, only the last case is common.
npm install -g semicolon-less
Convert test.js
to semicolon-less style
semicolon-less test.js
Convert all js files to semicolon-less and output to dest
semicolon-less --out=dest *.js
Support pipe
echo 'let x = 1' | babel | semicolon-less
Read source code form stdin
semicolon-less -
All semicolon-less
can be replaced by the shortcut -less
, for example, to show the help:
-less --help
var less = require('semicolon-less')
// source can be a string or buffer or stream which contains the source code
var source = require('fs').readFileSync('source.js')
// less() return transformed source
var semicolonlessSource = less(source)
Gulp friendly
var gulp = require('gulp')
var less = require('semicolon-less/gulpplugin')
Bugs and limitations
Currently I'm using yyx990803/semi as underground implementation, and it doesn't support some ES6 syntax (eg. for-of, generators. See the skipped tests). We will solve it in the future.
I want to convert semicolon-less style back to semicolon-itis style
It's totally unnecessary and not the scope of this project. But if you really want it due to some reasons (ie. your boss/team/IDEs/tools insist on semicolon-itis style), use yyx990803/semi.
In fact, most js code generators will add semicolons as ASI rules. So you could just use uglifyjs to regenerate your codes.
I don't agree with you; semicolons are REQUIRED!
Ok; You must use Issac's awesome semicolons package;
Ensure that all JavaScript programs have the maximum amount of safety; when you require("semicolons"), THEY ARE REQUIRED;