Selenium test case converter to protractor source code
Selenium protractor
Selenium test case converter to protractor source code that can be required in any e2e test. Initially this was developed at Nordea to speed up creation of e2e tests.
There are two commands to make better structure in the file:
- desc - creates
block, value is used as description - locator is not needed - it - created
block, value is used as description - locator is not needed
Neigher of them supports nesting though, but if it is needed - enddesc,endit (or similar) would have to be introduced.
Each it
block will close all previous blocks (except desc
) that are created by various commands and each desc
will close previous desc
command (no nesting).
Alternatively, comments can be added instead of custom commands:
Comment will be treated as desc
command (only if next command in the list is a another comment or it
command), otherwise as an it
if comment or it
value start with ide:
, all commands in that block will be ignored when parsing the html file. See login.html why this is useful.
if comment or it
value starts with skip:
, test case will be marked as skipped
if comment or it
values starts with @if(<some-condition>):
, generated it
or describe
block will only run if that condition is met. Only useful in combination with export
In some cases you need to skip or run certain commands depending on what the user sees
- breakIf - if condition specified in value is true, further commands in current
block will be skipped - continueIf - if condition specified in value is true, further command in current
block will be executed, otherwises skipped
Condition is everything you would write in an if condition, e.g. myCount>0 or !modalVisible
Sometimes you want to have a single test case file, but would like to run another tests in between commands.
- callback - execute a function and run additional tests, e.g. data.myFn or data.myFn('param1'). Note that this command must be last command in an
block due to the nature of how tests are executed.
Selenium ide with custom extensions should do pretty well. Additionally you can also use stored variables for assertions for element itself or element child! Some examples
- css=p
- e2etag=my-e2e-tag
- ${list}>>css=p will select p tags under previously located element
- e2etag=my-e2e-tag--${_date} (_date must be stored first)
- click
- type - enter text to an input field
- focus - scroll element into view
- submit
- scrollTo - scroll to given position e.g. 0,500 (500px from top). If no locator is set, document scroll will be adjusted
- scrollBy - scroll by given offset e.g. 0,250 (250px from current top). If no locator is set, document scroll will be adjusted
- eval - evaluate value as javascript, if locator is specified DOM node can be accessed via element variable
- storeEval - evaluate value as javascript and store it for later
- do we need all the events? e.g. keyDown, mousedown?
Actual testing can be done via following commands:
- assert* - will get appropriate value from the element and compare it to a given expression and will expect it to match
- assertNot * - will get appropriate value from the element and compare it to a given expression and will not expect it to match
- store* - will store the value in a variable for later use
- store - will store reference to an element in a variable, which could later be used as a selector or value
- verify* - not implemented, do we need them? The difference between assert and verify is that if the latter fails, test should not continue
- [assert|store]ElementPresent
- [assert|store]ElementEnabled
- [assert|store]ElementSelected
- [assert|store]ElementCount
- [assert|store]scrollLeft
- [assert|store]scrollTop
The value can be checked in a few ways:
- text - will check if values are equal
- !text - will check if values are not equal (prefixing will always negate any comparison) - doesn't work in ide
- <2 - will check if value is less than 2, (input must be a number, e.g. assertCssCount) - doesn't work in ide
2 - will check if value is greater than 2 (input must be a number, e.g. assertCssCount) - doesn't work in ide
- ${myVariable} - will compare value to the variable. !<> modifiers will work as well.
- regexp:/foo/ - will use toMatch method to compare with given expression
- regexpi:/foo/ - will use toMatch method to compare with given expression. It will also add
(case insensitive) flag - regexp:.*${name+'-test'} - will result in
if name variable=foo and use toMatch method to compare - regexpi:.*${name+'-test'} - will result in
if name variable=foo and use toMatch method to compare - glob:test or just test - not implemented, but is default for selenium ide
Command line:
node index.js <glob> <destination> <path-to-suite>
node index.js in/**/*html out in/_selenium.suite
var transform = require('./test/e2e/selenium-protractor/index');
var suite = 'e2e/_source/_selenium.suite';
var glob = 'e2e/_source/**/*.html';
var destination = 'e2e/_generated';
var delta = false; // if you have a watcher, you can pass partial glob/path and this flag as true to only add what is missing in the test suite
transform(glob, destinationDir, suite, delta, (err) => {}); // for more advanced usage see index.js