Add client side, face-tracked mouse cursors to your projects in one line of JavaScript!
| IE / Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | iOS Safari | Samsung | | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | | Edge | last 5+ | last 5+ | last 3+ | last 2+ | last 2+
Table of Contents:
- About
- Platforms:
- HTML5 projects - Learn how to add SeeClarke.js to your HTML5 projects
- Legend:
🧚🏽 Curie advises you on Properties
🧞 Al catches you up on Options
👻 Obi points out features that are deprecated or not yet implemented
🐉 Gohan represent warnings and other information to watch out for
SeeClarke.js is a thin wrapper around PoseNet and TensorFlow.js that calculates head-tracked cursor positions for a variable number of users at once, and is fast enough to work on mid-ranged mobile devices. Currently, SeeClarke only handles the calculations and it's up to you to decide what to do with it, for instance (click links to play with demos):
You can see the visual evolution of this project in this Twitter thread.
🧙 These demos link to CodePens, but are also available in
for offline testing!
| Basic Cursor Positioning | Page Scrolling | :------------- | :------------- | | | | Focusing Elements | Panning Google Maps | | | | | Looking Around Street Views | Looking Around YouTube 360 | | |
Developing Locally
The following Node commands are available from the project root:
npm run dev # Runs the project in development mode with live reloading
npm run build # Builds the project into /public
npm run test # Runs unit tests
The following is a list of all the platforms and environments that we currently support:
HTML5 Projects
🧙 Clarke: The first thing you'll want to do is get access to the
class, so that you can instantiate it. Let's explore 2 options below!
Installing Via Script Tag: The easiest way to get started, allowing you to quickly test in sandboxes like CodePen, JSFiddle, or any site on the web:
<!-- For the latest version -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- For a specific version (in this case, 0.0.3) -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/seeclarke.min.js"></script>
Installing Via NPM: You'll first want to add the package as a dependency to your project with:
# In your existing projects root
npm install --save seeclarke
You'll then be able to import it with:
const SeeClarke = require('seeclarke')
🧙 Clarke: Now that we have SeeClarke, let's instantiate it with the
operator and have it autostart! Head over with Al to the options page and he'll explain the different types of configs for you!
// Instantiate an instance of SeeClarke and autostart it
const seeclarke = new SeeClarke({autostart: true})
Using the Values:
window.addEventListener('onSeeClarkePoseUpdates', (ev) => {
// Grab the SeeClarke instance that called this
const context = ev.details.context
// You can now access any of the properties, including the poses
const poses = context.poses
// Loop through poses to get their details
poses.forEach((pose, index) => {
// Relative to top left
let x = pose.pointedAt.x
let y = pose.pointedAt.y
// This number represents the "pixels away" from the screen
// - The closer you are the smaller this value and vice versa
let z = pose.pointedAt.z
// Do stuff with the x, y here!
// @SEE CodePen demos:
Other Platforms Coming Soon
👻 Casper: Heads up! We're also planning support for the following: CLI's (via NodeJS), apps, IoT's, headerless environments, smart watches, game consoles, AR/VR/MR environments, vehicles, smart homes, smart factories, space stations, dreams, and realities!
Browsers Support
Browser Busters
The following is a list of features that are currently breaking browser support:
| Browser | Breaking Features | |---------|-------------------| | IE11 | getUserMedia | Opera Mini | getUsermedia, WebGL
The following polyfills are providing support for older browsers:
| Polyfill | Affected Browsers | Fix | Notes |
| getUserMedia | Chrome <= 49 iOS <= 10.3 | /src/polyfills.js | We're basically only supporting the API change from navigator.getUserMedia
to navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
| CustomEvent | IE, Safari Nightly Builds | custom-event-polyfill
| |