Validate Passwords with OWASP standards.
Validate Passwords with OWASP standards. Check OWASP Source Here.
Current methods to validate secure passwords, like enforce at least a number or an uppercase letter have been proven to be ineffective.
For that reason this library focus on ensuring that the passwords have not only those rules, but also enforces a minimum password length and checks it in a blacklist of the most commonly used passwords.
import {validate} from 'secure-password-validator'
const myWeakPassword = 'password'
const result = validate(myWeakPassword)
console.log(result.valid) // boolean
console.log(result.errors) // string[], an array with broken rules
const options ={ // options and its keys are optional
// min password length, default = 8, cannot be less than 8
minLength: number,
// max password length, default = 100, cannot be less than 50
maxLength: number,
//array with blacklisted passwords default black list with first 1000 most common passwords
blackList: string[],
// password Must have numbers, default = false
digits: boolean,
// password Must have letters, default = false
letters: boolean,
// password Must have uppercase letters, default = false
uppercase: boolean,
// password Must have lowercase letters, default = false
lowercase: boolean,
// password Must have symbols letters, default = false
symbols: boolean,
const result = validate(myWeakPassword, options)
Using another blacklist
Checking for the most common 10.000 passwords is a better option
import {validate} from 'secure-password-validator'
import first10000 from 'secure-password-validator/build/main/blacklists/first10_000'
const myWeakPassword = 'password'
const options ={
blacklist: first10000
const result = validate(myWeakPassword, options)