A seam carving library in javascript.
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Introduction Seamstress JS is a library that determines optimal seams of pixels and removes them from or adds them to an image such that one may resize an image while retaining the most important content.
Tests This repository contains a very comprehensive suite of tests.
** Unit Tests Our philosophy is to test all the variations of the most simple instances which illustrate some kind of functionality in the library.
You can run the unit tests with =npm test=.
** Test Coverage We use nyc to analyse the coverage of our tests. Just run =npm test:full= from the root of the repository to run the tests and the coverage will be printed to the console. This command will include property test based coverage in the report, whereas if you are running the day to day, =npm test=, command then your report will only include unit test coverage.
You can view the details regarding coverage in a report which is published to a folder called =coverage= in the root of the repository. Open the file called =index.html= to see the report.
- TODOs ** TODO [#A] Accept Data URI Image Core should be able to accept a Data URI and convert it into an indexible image prior to resizing it.
** TODO [#C] Rename Dummy Image DummyImage is no longer a second class citizen. It's become aparent that it should actually be a core data type hence it should be called "IndexibleImage".
** TODO [#A] Migrate Property Tests To Dev-Integrations The property tests have to be in dev integrations because we want to be able to depict the output of the tests when they go wrong instead of spitting out pretty printed JSON.