Image adapters for SeamstressJS
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Introduciton This library defines convenience functions for users to adapt their images for use with SeamstressJS and adapt the output of SeamstressJS to useful real world images.
TODOs ** TODO [#C] Implement JPEG Support Adapters should be able to receive a JPEG from clients and convert it to a Data URI and it should also be able to produce a JPEG Data URI. ** TODO [#C] Implement BMP Support Adapters should be able to receive a BMP from clients and convert it to a Data URI and it should also be able to produce a BMP Data URI. ** TODO [#C] Implement Input Method Adapters should be able to receive an arbitrary image and convert it into a Data URI so that it can be submitted to core for resizing. ** TODO [#A] Implement Output Method Adaptors should be able to produce an viewable image from a Data URI and target definition.