This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 8.2.9.
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.9.
How to use
- npm i se-simpl-submenu
- place the <se-simpl-submenu> place your submenus here </se-simpl-submenu> component inside the tag that you wish it to be relative to
- select position: relative for this tag
- add seSimplSubmenuItem directive to the submenus
- use local variable to access the submenu interface. Available operations are
- shows the submenushideSubmenu()
- hide the submenustoggleSubmenu()
- toggle submenus between opened and closed
Example code
<div class="menu">
some item is here
<span (click)="subMenu.showSubmenu()">open</span>
<span (click)="subMenu.hideSubmenu()">close</span>
<span (click)="subMenu.toggleSubmenu()">toggle</span>
<se-simpl-submenu #subMenu
<div class="menu-item" seSimplSubmenuItem>menu 1</div>
<div class="menu-item" seSimplSubmenuItem>menu 2</div>
where options are
subOptions: SeSubmenusOptions = {
position: 'top',
animation: 'staggered-move',
itemTiming: 0.25,
itemDelay: 0.1,
easing: '',
moveFrom: 33,
scaleFrom: 1.3
Use the options input
to specify the submenu behaviour. It takes an object with the following configuration
- top: displays the submenu on top of its parent container and lines the items in a row. Default value.
- bottom: displays the submenu below its parent container and lines the items in a row
- right: displays the submenu to the right of its parent container and lines the items in a column
- left: displays the submenu to the left of its parent container and lines the items in a column
- staggered-fade: displays the submenu items one by one by fading them in. Default value.
- staggered-move: displays the submenu items one by one by fading them in and moving them
- staggered-scale: displays the submenu items one by one by fading them in and scaling them
- non-staggered: displays the submenu items all together by fading them
- non-animated: displays the submenu items without transition
takes a number to configure the transition time in seconds of each submenu item. Default: 0.25itemDelay:
takes a number to configure the delay in seconds of each submenu item. Used for the staggered animatons. Default: 0.25easing:
takes a gsap easing string. Only supports gsap 3 core eases. Default: power1.outscaleFrom:
takes a number to configure the relative scale for the staggered-scale animation. 0 being from 0 scale to 1 being no scaling. Default: 0.8.moveFrom:
takes a number to configure the movement distance in percentage relation to the submenu's own dimension. Default: 33.
Code scaffolding
Run ng generate component component-name --project se-simpl-submenu
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module --project se-simpl-submenu
Note: Don't forget to add
--project se-simpl-submenu
or else it will be added to the default project in yourangular.json
Run ng build se-simpl-submenu
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
After building your library with ng build se-simpl-submenu
, go to the dist folder cd dist/se-simpl-submenu
and run npm publish
Running unit tests
Run ng test se-simpl-submenu
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Further help
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI README.