An opinionated command line tool for managing Trello, GitLab and Harvest for Scrum
An opinionated command line tool for managing Trello, GitLab and Harvest for Scrum.
Install using:
npm install -g scrummy
scrummy init
- [x] Asks for your Trello credentials
- [x] Asks which board to use for the project
- [x] Asks how to assign the lists (backlog/development/review/done)
- [ ] Asks for your Harvest credentials
- [x] Asks for your GitLab credentials
- [x] Asks for your GitLab review peers
scrummy work
- [x] Asks which trello card you want to work on
If you choose a development card:
- [x] Assigns you to the trello card, if not assigned yet
- [ ] Starts a harvest timer on the card
- [x] Moves the trello card from backlog into development, if not there yet
- [x] Checks if on development branch, or asks if to switch to it, if on:
- [x] Pulls
- [x] Runs something like
- [x] Creates and checks out a branch with the name of the card, if branch does not yet exist
- [ ] Pulls the branch
- [x] Displays the info from the card
Or if you choose a review card:
- [ ] Starts a harvest timer on the card
- [ ] Asks if you want to check out the code, does so if necessary
- [ ] Opens the merge request on GitLab
scrummy push
If you're working on a development card:
- [x] Pushes the current branch
- [x] Asks to tick off some card todos
- [x] When no MR: Creates a MR on GitHub
- [x] Puts a trello card's contents and a link to it into the MR
- [x] Puts the link to the MR into a card attachment if not there yet
- [x] Asks if finished
- [x] When all todos are done
- [ ] And the MR has no conflicts
- [x] Moves the trello card into review list
- [ ] Removes WIP from the MR
- [ ] Stops any harvest timer on the card
- [ ] ¿Waits for the build to finish
- [x] Assigns someone else on the MR
To use your local copy of the package in the command line run:
npm link
To install all the required packages do:
npm install
To run the tests (assertions info) use:
npm test
# or
npm -s test -- -w
To lint the JS run:
$(npm bin)/eslint lib/** test/**
Use --fix
to fix some stuff automatically.
See also: