a lightweight Events API for detecting scroll and touch events based on custom sensitivity
scroll-swipe :mouse2:
npm install scroll-swipe
2-step API for providing scroll and touch event direction handlers
UMD-wrapped for use with node/browser and with or without bundlers
Example setup can be found here
You can run the example locally:
npm install
npm start => localhost:3333
const scrollSwipeManager = new ScrollSwipe({
target: document, // Element must be a single dom-node per ScrollSwipe Instance
scrollSensitivity: 0, // OPTIONAL: The lower the number, the more sensitive
touchSensitivity: 0, // OPTIONAL: The lower the number, the more sensitive
scrollPreventDefault: true, // OPTIONAL: prevent default option for scroll events, if you just want tracking data without changing UI, you don't need this
touchPreventDefault: true, // OPTIONAL: prevent default option for touch events, if you just want tracking data without changing UI, you don't need this
scrollCb: scrollCb, // The action you wish to perform when a scroll reacts (details below)
touchCb: touchCb // The action you wish to perform when a touch reacts (details below)
addEventListenerOptions: {} // OPTIONAL: Native options to pass to listener:
Scroll API && Touch API
//Example callbacks for the ScrollSwipe instance above ^^
* @param {Object} data - returns the following
* startEvent - Event that triggered this action
* lastEvent - Last Event at the end of action
* scrollPending - state of instance's scrollPending property (will always come back true after a successful event)
* direction - 'VERTICAL' || 'HORIZONTAL' for mapping vertical/horizontal actions from the event;
* intent - 0 || 1 for mapping up/down && left/right actions from the event
function scrollCb({ direction, intent, mappedIntent, lastEvent, scrollPending, startEvent }, ss) {
//do animations, state changes/eval or something async, then open the listener back up.
function touchCb({ direction, intent, mappedIntent, lastEvent, scrollPending, startEvent }, ss) {
//do animations, state changes/eval or something async, then open the listener back up.
// kill scroll event listeners for an instance with ss.killScroll();
// kill touch event listeners for an instance with ss.killTouch();
// kill all event listeners for an instance with ss.killAll();
// re-initialze listeners with ss.init();