A screeps movement library.
Screeps Movement
This package is a replacement for the standard Screeps moveTo
It has the following features:
- Path caching / stuck detection
- Avoids static creeps
- Push past other creeps
- Calculates terrain costs
- Avoid source keepers
- Avoid / track hostile rooms
In addition it adds the following methods to the Creep type:
- moveToRoom
- moveOffRoad
- fleeFrom
- setStatic
Install via NPM in your local dev environment npm install screeps-movement
Or if you are using the screeps client then create a new module called 'screeps-movement' and copy the contents of this file into it.
Import the module in your main
file. (At the top outside the loop)
const Movement = require("screeps-movement");
import * as Movement from "screeps-movement";
Optionally, you can apply some custom configuration. It isRecommended to do this immediately after the import statement.
Config Options:
interface CreepsMovementConfig {
allies?: string[];
visualise?: boolean;
calculateCarryWeight?: boolean;
trackHostileRooms?: boolean;
defaultStuckLimit?: number;
staticCreepFilter?: (creep: Creep) => boolean | false;
Default Config:
calculateCarryWeight: false,
defaultStuckLimit: 5,
staticCreepFilter: defaultIsStatic, // See setStatic() method below.
trackHostileRooms: false,
visualise: true,
creep.moveTo(target, opts?);
The replacement moveTo
should/might/possibly could (who knows) work with any standard moveTo
calls you make at present.
However additional options have been added that you can now take advantage of.
Any option you can currently pass in via either the PathFinderOpts
or MoveToOpts
as doucmented in the official screeps
documentation has at least a slight chance of working correctly.
However certain things, such as setting the roomCallBack
will not work or cause unintended consiquences. As such it is
recommended that you use the following options.
worker.moveTo(target.pos, {
avoidSk?: boolean, // Avoid SourceKeepers
maxStuck?: number, // Max ticks before repathing due to being stuck
plainCost?: number, // Plain cost (calculated if not specified)
swampCost?: number, // Swamp cost (calculated if not specified)
avoidRooms?: string[], // An array of roomNames to avoid
avoidCreeps?: boolean, // Avoid creeps when pathing
avoidHostileRooms?: boolean, // Avoid tracked hostile rooms if trackHostileRooms option is enabled globally
range?: number, // The range to the target you want to reach
pushPastFilter?: (creep) => boolean, // A predicate to determin if the creep should push past another creep.
miner.moveTo(source, {
avoidHostileRooms: true
range: 1,
pushPastFilter: (creep) => creep.memory.role === "hauler",
You must enable trackHostileRooms
in the global options for the avoidHostileRooms
option to work.
creep.moveToRoom(roomName, range?);
Your creep will move to the given room at the given range from room center (default 23).
creep.moveToRoom("W7N4", 30); // Move to 5 tiles away from the room.
creep.moveToRoom("W7N4", 10); // Move 15 tiles into the room.
Your creep will move off road.
towards - Optional. RoomObject
| RoomPosition
If specified the creep will only move onto an off road spot that is of equal or lesser distance than its current position. The creep will move towards the target if no offroad spot can be found.
if ( > creep.carryCapacity || creep.pos.getRangeTo(container) > 5) {
} else {
creep.fleeFrom(targets, distance?, maxRooms?);
Your creep will flee from the targets up to the distance specified (default 10). maxRooms can optionally be set (default 1).
const enemies =;
if (enemies.length > 0 && creep.pos.findInRange(enemies, 10).length) {
creep.fleeFrom(enemies, 7);
If you don't override the staticCreepFilter
method in the global movement options (above).
Then you can use this method to ensrure the creeps position is avoided by the pathfinder.
if (creep.memory.inPosition) {
} else {