A really simple module to return the normal year groups for a given date of birth. Currently only supporting English school years.
This is a very simple module that given a DOB, it will calculate which year groups they will be in during their school life. Currently only supporting English school years.
import schoolYears from "school-year-group"
const dob = new Date("2010-05-07")
const year = schoolYears(dob)
Example return value
year: 0,
yearName: 'Reception',
startDate: '2014-09-01',
endDate: '2015-08-31'
year: 1,
yearName: 'Year 1',
startDate: '2015-09-01',
endDate: '2016-08-31'
year: 2,
yearName: 'Year 2',
startDate: '2016-09-01',
endDate: '2017-08-31'
year: 3,
yearName: 'Year 3',
startDate: '2017-09-01',
endDate: '2018-08-31'
year: 4,
yearName: 'Year 4',
startDate: '2018-09-01',
endDate: '2019-08-31'
year: 5,
yearName: 'Year 5',
startDate: '2019-09-01',
endDate: '2020-08-31'
year: 6,
yearName: 'Year 6',
startDate: '2020-09-01',
endDate: '2021-08-31'
year: 7,
yearName: 'Year 7',
startDate: '2021-09-01',
endDate: '2022-08-31'
year: 8,
yearName: 'Year 8',
startDate: '2022-09-01',
endDate: '2023-08-31'
year: 9,
yearName: 'Year 9',
startDate: '2023-09-01',
endDate: '2024-08-31'
year: 10,
yearName: 'Year 10',
startDate: '2024-09-01',
endDate: '2025-08-31'
year: 11,
yearName: 'Year 11',
startDate: '2025-09-01',
endDate: '2026-08-31'
year: 12,
yearName: 'Year 12',
startDate: '2026-09-01',
endDate: '2027-08-31'
year: 13,
yearName: 'Year 13',
startDate: '2027-09-01',
endDate: '2028-08-31'
const year = schoolYears(dob, true) // will return the current year for the child for todays date
const year = schoolYears(dob, "2024-01-01") // will return the year group data for the child on the 1st Jan 2024