NPM command line module for running scholar visual regression tests
NPM command line module for running visual regression tests
This is the client test runner for usage with the Scholar application.
npm install scholar-runner --save-dev
scholar-runner --help
Usage: scholar-runner [options]
-h, --help Output usage information
-V, --version Output the version number
-b, --browser <option> Define test browser (defaults to "phantomjs")
-r, --runner <option> Define the runner for the tests e.g. local, remote (defaults to "local")
--compareLocally Define to run the comparison locally (defaults to false)
--seleniumVersion <version> Optionally use a specific selenium version
--verbose Define selenium log level
-s, --suite <suite> Define file to run (optional)
-t, --type <key> Define subset of tests to run (optional)
-c, --config <filePath> Define config file location (defaults to "config/scholar.js")
-d, --directory <testDirectory> Define test files directory (defaults to "process.cwd()/test/")
-o, --output <imageDirectory> Define directory to place screenshots (defaults to "process.cwd()/test_images/")
-r, --testReportDirectory <testReportDirectory> Define directory to place report html (defaults to "process.cwd()/test_images/")
--baselineDirectory <baselineDirectory> Define baseline files directory (defaults to "process.cwd()/baselines/")
The minimum configuration required is:
module.exports = {
baseUrl: '',
scholarUrl: ''
Adding Global Cookies to Config
Add required cookies to your config file,
module.exports = {
baseUrl: '',
scholarUrl: '',
cookies: [{
'name': 'example',
'value': 'exampleValue',
'domain': ''
Remote Sessions
To run your tests against a remote Selenium server (ie BrowserStack / Saucelabs) you will need to:
- Set the runner flag to remote
- Set the
(required) andport
number (optional) in your config file. - Set the
variable in config to your Selenium login (optional). - Set the
variable in config to your automation key (optional).
For Example:
module.exports = {
baseUrl: '',
scholarUrl: '',
host: '',
port: '1337',
user: process.env.USER || 'user-name',
key: process.env.SECRET_KEY || 'my-secret-key'
Running on BrowserStack:
- Define the
variable as your BrowserStack user in config. - Define the
variable as your BrowserStack automation key in config. - If you want to test somewhere not internet accessible (localhost / internal domain etc) you will need to start up the browserstack local tunnel CLI. It's not included with this package, however the following should help get started:
- wget
YOURENVNAME && unzip BrowserStackLocal-YOURENVNAME - ./BrowserStackLocal -v -onlyAutomate -forcelocal $BROWSERSTACK_KEY &
- wget
- If you are required to run BrowserStack with a local/private connection add
to your config file.
An Example browserstack config:
baseUrl: '',
scholarUrl: '',
host: '',
user: 'browserstack-user-name',
key: 'browserstack-automation-key',
browserstack: {
'browserstack.local' : true,
ie: {
browser: 'IE',
browser_version: '11',
os: 'Windows',
os_version: '8.1'
edge: {
browser: 'Edge',
browser_version: '12',
os: 'Windows',
os_version: '10'
safari: {
browser: 'Safari',
browser_version: '9.1',
os: 'OS X',
os_version: 'El Capitan'
chrome: {
browser: 'Chrome',
browser_version: '47',
os: 'Windows',
os_version: '7'
Writing Specs
Your first spec file
Within your test directory (defaults to test/) add your spec file. Ensure the ending contains '-spec.js';
let desktopSpecs = [
name: 'desktop-test-1',
selector: 'body',
path: '/'
name: 'alex-test',
selector: 'body',
path: '/'
let otherSpecs = [
name: 'other-test-1',
selector: 'body',
path: '/'
name: 'other-test-2',
selector: 'body',
path: '/'
module.exports = {
desktop: desktopSpecs,
another: otherSpecs,
all: desktopSpecs.concat(otherSpecs) // default if no --type is provided
Advanced Options
There are other possible spec options such as:
- name: String that will be the unique identifier within Scholar.
- Example = "TestHeaderDesktop"
- selector: CSS Selector to target specific elements.
- Example = ".main.header"
- url: Optional override of the global baseUrl.
- Example = ""
- path: URL path to target page.
- Example = "/myTestPage"
- labels: An array allowing labelling / tagging of images for use within scholar
- Example = ['homepage', 'carousel', 'hero']
- loadTimeout: Milliseconds to allow page to stabilise before taking a screenshot (Defaults to 2000).
- Example = 5000
- setup: function that will be passed to the runner to allow events to happen after page loads (click on an accordion heading etc). MUST return the client
- Example =
function(client) { return client.waitForVisible('.n-button', 5000).click('.n-button'); }
- Example =
- setupTimeout: Milliseconds to allow page to stabilise after running a setup function (Defaults to 0).
- Example = 2000
- waitTimeout: Milliseconds to wait for required element to become visible (Defaults to 3000).
- Example = 5000
- viewportSize: JS Object with width and height properties.
- Example = {width: 1280, height: 720}
- cookies: Same format as the config options, however will only be included for the specific test.
- Example =
[ { name: 'first', value: 'test' }, { name: 'second', value: 'another' } ]
- Example =