Lite Schedule App
Lite version React component for the show schedule
Schedule Lite config
** summitId = id of the summit
** apiBaseUrl = base url for API
** marketingApiBaseUrl = base url for marketing API
** onEventClick(event) = method called upon event click
** onAllEventClick() = method called upon header's View All click
** onTrackClick(trackId) = method called upon track click
** onCompanyClick(companyId) = method called upon sponsor click
** onRoomClick(roomId) = method called upon room click
** onSpeakerClick(speakerId) = method called upon speaker click
onAuthError(err, res) = method called upon api 401 or 403 error
title = widget title
subtitle = widget subtitle
eventCount = # of events to show - defaults to 3
slotCount = min # of slots to show - defaults to 3 (used for placeholders)
accessToken = token to access API - needed for some actions
landscape = shows events on a single row, default is portrait view (single column).
yourSchedule = shows upcoming events from YourSchedule - bool
sponsorId = shows upcoming events from a specific Sponsor - value sponsorId
roomId = shows upcoming events from a specific Room - value roomId
speakerId = shows upcoming events from a specific Speaker - value speakerId
trackId = shows upcoming events from a specific Track - value trackId
showFilters = display Filters - defaults to false
showNav = display Nav, if false we show all events from the show - defaults to true
showAllEvents = shows passed events when current date matches the selected date - defaults to false
showDetails = shows events details when click on event row - defaults to false
hideAdd = bool to disable "add to schedule" action - defaults to false
showUTC = bool to show UTC time next to event dates - defaults to false
defaultImage = url for image to show when no eventImage and no stream thumbnail available/set
onRef = method to retrieve schedule component ref. Usage -> {ref => (this.child = ref)}
updateCallback = method passed that will be called by component on update. args -> {action: 'ADD_TO_SCHEDULE', event}
triggerUpdate = this method is not passed, but exists in the component and can be called when update needed
You can pass this hash on url to override current time, time must be in this format and on summit timezone