Scene is a simple but powerful property interpolation class for creating (CSS) animation and parallax effects.
Scene - Property interpolation with ease
Scene is a simple but powerful property interpolation class for creating (CSS) animation and parallax effects.
Scene calls a callback for every element when a property has changed so you only have to implement the property values
npm install scene
import Scene from 'scene';
Basic parallax example
import Scene from 'scene';
const scene = new Scene(0, 1000);
scene.addItem('someObj', props => {
myObj.x = props.x;
myObj.y = props.y;
myObj.scale.x = myObj.scale.y = props.scale;
scene.step('someObj', 0, {x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1});
scene.step('someObj', 200, {x: 100, y: 200});
scene.step('someObj', 400, {x: -200, y: 100}, {timing: 'ease'});
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => scene.animate(window.offsetY));
When the target object can be controlled single level properties you can also use the target directly:
scene.step(myObj, 30, {x: 100, y: 200}); // This will call myObj.x and myObj.y
scene.step(myOtherObj, 30, {x: 100, y: 500});
Basic HTML element transition
<style> #myElem { position: absolute; display: inline-block; } </style>
<span id="myElem">Hello world</span>
import Scene from 'scene';
const period = 5000;
const scene = new Scene(0, period);
const myElem = document.getElementById('myElem');
scene.step(myElem, 0 * period, {x: 0, y: 0, rotate: 0, scale: 1});
scene.step(myElem, 0.5 * period, {x: 100, y: 100, rotate: 180, scale: 2});
scene.step(myElem, 1 * period, {x: 0, y: 0, rotate: 360, scale: 1});
function animate() {
scene.animate( % period);
new Scene(startValue, endValue)
Create a new Scene with a range from startValue till endValue.
- startValue number
- endValue number
scene.addItem(idOrTarget [, callback])
Add an item to the scene. Items can be added while dynamically while running.
- idOrTarget Can be a string identifier or an object. When the object is an
instance of HTMLElement and no callback is provided Scene will use HTMLElement
style.transform property for translation, scaling and rotation.
When idOrTarget is an object and no callback is provided, the properties are called from that object. - callback Optional callback function with parameters:
- props Object with new property values. The values are iterated
between according to the phase, the start and end values from that property
and the timing function.
Please note that the callback is only called when values have changed. - stepPhases Object with the phases (range 0..1) of each property. Phase can be out of the 0..1 range as a result of the chosen timing function.
- sceneValue Current value of the scene
- idOrTarget ID or Target of the target item
- props Object with new property values. The values are iterated
between according to the phase, the start and end values from that property
and the timing function.
scene.step(idOrTarget, at, props [, opts])
Scene supports the following 'tween' timings:
- ease, easein, easeout: