webgl accelerated 3D/2D scatterplot renderer
Interactive 3D / 2D webgl-accelerated scatter plot point renderer. Core functionality from the embedding projector, capable of rendering and interacting with tens of thousands of points.
Basic use
// where `points` is an array of 2 or 3-dimensional points as number arrays.
const dataset = new ScatterGL.Dataset(points);
const scatterGL = new ScatterGL(containerElement);
with yarn / npm
yarn add scatter-gl
via cdn
<!-- Load three.js -->
<script src="[email protected]/build/three.min.js"></script>
<!-- Load scatter-gl.js -->
<script src="[email protected]/lib/scatter-gl.min.js"></script>
The ScatterGL
constructor can accept a number of parameters via a ScatterGLParams
| Parameter | Type | Description | default |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| camera
| Camera
| An object containing default parameters for the camera | Camera params object (zoom: number
, target: Point3D
, and position: Point3D
) |
| onClick
| (point: Point \| null) => void
| A callback invoked when clicking on a point or elsewhere | |
| onHover
| (point: Point \| null) => void
| A callback invoked when hovering over a point | |
| onSelect
| (points: Point[]) => void
| A callback invoked when a point or points are selected | |
| onCameraMove
| (cameraPosition: THREE.Vector3, cameraTarget: THREE.Vector3) => void
| A callback invoked the camera moves due to user interaction. | |
| pointColorer
| (index: number, selectedIndices: Set<number>, hoverIndex: number|null) => string
| A function to determine the color of points | |
| renderMode
| RenderMode
| The render mode to display points, one of RenderMode.POINT
, RenderMode.SPRITE
, or RenderMode.TEXT
| RenderMode.POINT
| showLabelsOnHover
| boolean
| Whether or not to render label text on hover | true
| selectEnabled
| boolean
| true
| Whether or not a user can select points by clicking |
| styles
| Styles
| An object containing style parameters to override the default options | |
| rotateOnStart
| boolean
| Whether or not the renderer automatically rotates until interaction | true
| orbitControls
| OrbitControlParams
| An object containing default parameters for the orbit controls | Orbit Controls params object (zoomSpeed: number
, autoRotateSpeed: number
, and mouseRotateSpeed: number
) |
ScatterGL methods
| Method | Description |
| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| isOrbiting()
| Returns whether the orbit animation is currently on |
| render(dataset: Dataset)
| Initializes and renders a dataset to the container element |
| resize()
| Updates the render size based on the container element |
| resetZoom()
| Resets the camera zoom to default |
| select(pointIndices: number[])
| Selects points by index |
| setPanMode()
| Sets interaction mode to 'pan' |
| setPointColorer(pointColorer: PointColorer)
| Sets a function to determine colors |
| setHoverPointIndex()
| Sets the hovered point |
| setPointRenderMode()
| Sets point render mode |
| setRenderMode(renderMode: RenderMode)
| Sets a specific render mode |
| setSelectMode()
| Sets interaction mode to 'select' |
| setSequences(sequences: Sequence[])
| Sets sequences with which to render polylines |
| setSpriteRenderMode()
| Sets sprite render mode |
| setTextRenderMode()
| Sets text render mode |
| updateDataset(dataset: Dataset)
| Updates the dataset |
| startOrbitAnimation()
| Begin rotating until an interaction |
| stopOrbitAnimation()
| Stops automatic rotation |
ScatterGL Styles
See styles.ts for interfaces and descriptions of a user-configurable styles object that can be provided to ScatterGL to configure colors, sizes, fog, etc.
Advanced usage
See the demo app for examples of interaction handling, spritesheet rendering, and point coloring.
You can provide an object in the form of Styles
via the styles
parameter of the ScatterGLParams
yarn demo
This is not an officially supported Google product