A library to easily get information from musical scales
This library / module is your javascript swiss knife to easily work around musical scales even if you are not a musician. Clearly, it will allow you to "sound good" and more importantly "sound in key" when you want to randomly play sounds.
- use cases
- Find the scale you're in, from a set of chords or notes (Ideal for composers)
- Find all existing chords and notes in a scale you're interested in working with
- related libraries
You may import the code into an existing node.js project or import it directly into your HTML code
- Node module import
# local install to your project
npm install --save-dev scalesapi
// import module into your js code
var sc = require('scalesapi')
- plain JS import
<!-- minified version, not human friendly, 56kb-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="scalesAPI.min.js"></script>
<!-- uncompressed version, human friendly, 422kb -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="scalesAPI.js"></script>
The module is instanciated in the object sc, which you can use right away
No constructor, the library consists of methods only. It consists of three main functions :
- getScales: information about chords and notes existing in a scale
- getChords: information about chords existing in a scale
- getNotes: information about notes existing in a scale
getScales(action, [value])
- getScales("names")
getScales("names") //returns a list like ["Major", "Natural Minor", ...]
Get the list of names from all scales available in the config
- getScales("info", [scaleName])
getScales("info") //returns data for all scales
getScales("info","Major") //returns data for the Major scale only
Get scales meta-data information (object) from the config: - chord sequence for 3 notes chords - chord sequence for 4 notes chords - interval sequence If is not provided, return data for all scales
- getScales("object")
getScales("object") //returns object
Get scales content from the config, for all keys in all scales:
\__ keyName
\__ Chords3: [list of chords with 3 notes]
\__ Chords4: [list of chords with 4 notes]
\__ Notes: [list of notes present in the scale]
- getScales("fromChords", chordsArray)
getScales("fromChords",[]) //returns all keys in all scales
getScales("fromChords",["Amin","Cmaj","Dmin"]) //returns keys in two scales
The most popular method. It allows you to know which keys in various scales a set of chords belongs to. Returns an object containing this info:
\__ keyName
- getScales("fromNotes", notesArray)
getScales("fromNotes",[]) //returns all keys in all scales
getScales("fromNotes",["A","C","Db"]) //returns keys in two scales
The most popular method. It allows you to know which keys in various scales a set of notes belongs to. Returns an object containing this info:
\__ keyName
getChords(scaleName, [key], [nbNotes])
- getChords("*")
getChords("*") //returns a list of chords
Get the full list of unique chords in all scales
- getChords("byRoot")
getChords("byRoot") //returns a list of chords
Get the full list of unique chords in all scales, grouped by key
- getChords(scaleName)
getChords("Major") //returns a list of all chords present in the Major scale, all keys included
Get the full list of unique chords in a specific scale . The list of available scales can be obtained from getScales("names")
- getChords(scaleName, keyName)
getChords("Major","E") //returns a list of all chords present in the key of E in the Major scale
Get the full list of unique chords in a specific scale for a specific key
- getChords(scaleName, keyName, nbNotes)
getChords("Major","E", 3) //returns a list of all 3 notes chords present in the key of E in the Major scale
getChords("Major","E", 4) //returns a list of all 4 notes chords present in the key of E in the Major scale
Get the full list of unique chords in a specific scale, for a specific key and a specific nb of notes in the chords
getNotes(scaleName, [key])
- getNotes("*")
getNotes("*") //returns a list of notes
Get the full list of unique notes in all scales and all keys. This is the equivalent of the chromatic scale.
- getNotes(scaleName)
getNotes("Harmonic Minor") //returns a list of notes in the harmonic minor scale
Get the full list of unique notes in a specicif scale for all keys
- getNotes(scaleName, keyName)
getNotes("Harmonic Minor","Eb") //returns a list of notes in the harmonic minor scale, key of Eb
Get the full list of unique notes in a specicif scale for a specific key