*A module to make Real-Time messaging from Roblox Servers to your Node.JS server easy.* But then I complicated it by making it scalable with Redis.
Scalable Roblox-Long-Polling
A module to make Real-Time messaging from Roblox Servers to your Node.JS server easy. But then I complicated it by making it scalable with Redis.
Information: Due to the nature of being scalable the first connection received will start a connection that will handle all messages. This means if the server the user first connects to disconnects then the client will receive no new messages.
- Download our RobloxModule here
- Ensure HTTP Service is enabled as the steps below show
- Download the Roblox module by doing
npm i roblox-long-polling
- Add it to your Node.JS code with the example
- Ensure you have a server running Redis that you can connect this too, if you don't you won't be able to scale and you'll need to use the nonscaled version.
const rlp = require("scalable-roblox-long-polling")
const poll = new rlp({
port: 2004, // Add this behind your IP, example:,
//password: "passsword here" If you want to add a simple password, put uncomment this and add your password
redisConnection: {//this is very much required
host: "localhost",
port: 6379
}); //Usage is just like the other module, the only difference is you need redis.
poll.on('connection', (connection) => {
console.log('New connection',;// Will fire when a new connection is active, and include this IP address.
poll.broadcast("new connection",; // Will broadcast to all active sockets that this one has joined the part.
connection.send('welcome', 'hello there!') // Will send a welcome message to the new socket.
connection.on('hello', (data) => {//On a event we will handle the hello message
console.log("received hello message!", data)
connection.on('internal_ping', () => {//We receive pings from the server to let us know its still alive, you can't disable this.
console.log("Keep-Alive Ping received")
connection.on('dsconnect', () => { // Fired when the game sends a disconnect command, or our timeout is fired.
- Now, we're going to install a script in ServerScriptService that requires the Module we imported earlier, this is our magic code that allows you to interface with the Node.JS API.
local robloxLongPolling = require(script.Parent.robloxLongPolling)
local connection = robloxLongPolling.Connect("http://yourIpHere:2004", "")
connection:on("welcome", function(message)--This is an event fired in the above example, you can change this if you want into your own events.
print("received welcome ", message)
connection:on("new connection", function(id)--This is an event fired in the above example, you can change this if you want into your own events.
print("new connection ", id)
connection:on("disconnection", function(id)--Fired if we for some reason get disconnected.
print("disconnection ", id)
connection:send("hello", "Hello world!")--Example on how to send messages.
Enabling HTTP Service
- Head on over to your game in Roblox Studio
- Open the top bar, and click "HOME"
- Click the cog named "Game Settings"
- In the modal that opens, click "Security"
- Ensure "Allow HTTP Requests" is enabled, if it isn't, enable it.
You are free to contirbute if you wish.