Better spy fake calls for Jasmine
Top up your Jasmine spies with better fake calls.
Motivated by the fact that using spies in Jasmine requires a lot of boilerplate to perform different actions depending on provided arguments.
Currently supports Jasmine 2 only. Heavily influenced by the Mockito library for Java.
Turn this...
spy.and.callFake = function(arg) {
if (arg === 'something') {
return 'a value';
} else if (arg === 'something else') {
return 'a different value';
} else {
throw new Error('some error');
... into this
when(spy).isCalled.thenThrow(new Error('some error'));
when(spy).isCalledWith('something').thenReturn('a value');
when(spy).isCalledWith('something else').thenReturn('a different value');
The easiest way to install saywhen
is via npm. Simply run npm install saywhen
in your project directory.
Require Say When as a normal module
var when = require('saywhen');
var spy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
Make a spy return a value when called with a specific argument
Mix default handlers and specific handlers
spy(); // => 1
spy('bar'); // => 1
spy('two'); // => 2
Make a spy call a particular function, when called with a specific argument
when(spy).isCalledWith('bar').then(function(arg) {
// Do something with arg
Make a spy throw an error
when(spy).isCalledWith('baz').thenThrow(new Error());
Works with jasmine.any & jasmine.objectContaining
foo : "bar"
spy('abc'); // => string!
spy({ foo : "bar" }); // => object!
Multiple callbacks can be added and will be executed in order
.thenThrow(new Error('eof'));
spy(); // => 1
spy(); // => 2
spy(); // => 3
spy(); // Throws error
Use captors to capture argument values
var captor = when.captor();
when(spy).isCalledWith(jasmine.any(String), captor);
spy("foo", 123);
spy("foo", 456);
spy(null, 789);
captor.values(); // => [123, 456]
captor.latest; // => 456 (last value)
Captors can also wrap matchers, to allow only capture specific arguments
var captor = when.captor(jasmine.any(Number));
when(spy).isCalledWith(captor).then(function(arg) {
return arg * 2;
spy(2); // => 4
spy(3); // => 6
spy("foo") // => undefined (doesn't match)
captor.values(); // => [2, 3]
captor.latest; // => 3
Say When is an open source project, maintained by Push Technology. Issues and pull requests are welcomed.
Tests can be run by installing a dev dependencies with npm install
and then running npm test
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt.