A lightweight web library that combines the best of server-side rendering and client-side state management.
🚀 Overview
SaturJs is a lightweight, server-side rendering (SSR) library designed for building dynamic, fast-loading web applications with ease. It empowers developers to manage application state, handle components, and optimize rendering while maintaining full control over their architecture.
✨ Features
- 🖥️ Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Pre-render HTML on the server for improved performance and SEO.
- 🔄 Reactive State Management: Utilize a simple proxy-based state system to track and react to data changes.
- 🧩 Component-based Architecture: Organize your UI with reusable, modular components.
- ⚡ Efficient DOM Updates: Built-in DOM diffing algorithm for optimized rendering.
📦 Quick Start
# Clone the starter template
git clone
cd saturjs-quick-start
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
🚀 Here’s a simple example to get you started:
// server.js
const { setup, Router, renderPage } = require("saturjs")
const router = Router()
router.get("/", renderPage("index"))
module.exports = setup({
appRouter: router
Creating a Page View: src/index.html
<script server>
// server code
const title = "page title"
async function defServer(req, res, next) {
if( == "2") {
res.send("user not found.")
return {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<h1>Welcome to SaturJs</h1>
<p>User ID: {{ id }}</p>
<!-- import component & render component -->
<import src="./Counter.html" />
{{ $$.Counter() }}
Creating a Component
- You can create a component using the following structure:
the component must starts with caps.
<button onclick="handler">Count {{ count }}</button>
const state = defProxy({
count: 0
handler() {
🧩 Template Syntax
<!-- Basic Expressions -->
{{ 1 + 1 }} <!-- Outputs: 2 -->
{{ username }} <!-- Variable interpolation -->
{{- html }} <!-- Unescaped HTML -->
{{# comments }} <!-- Not visible in output -->
<!-- Conditionals -->
{{ if(condition) }}
<p>True branch</p>
{{ else if(otherCondition) }}
<p>Else if branch</p>
{{ else }}
<p>Else branch</p>
<!-- Loops array -->
{{ for(value, index in array) }}
<p>{{ index }}: {{ value }}</p>
<!-- Loops object -->
{{ for(value, key in object) }}
<p>{{ key }} - {{ value }}</p>
<!-- Component Usage -->
{{ $$.Counter({ count: 0 }) }}
{{ $$["Counter"]({ count: 0 }) }}
📘 Component Structure
<!-- Root element for the component; must contain only one root element -->
<!-- Component-specific event -->
<button onclick="handler">Count {{ count }}</button>
<!-- Access events from another component -->
<button onclick="">Open Settings</button>
<!-- Pass arguments to a method -->
<button onclick="deleteNotes(id, 1, 2)">Delete Notes</button>
// Import libraries; these will automatically be bundled
const uuid = require("uuid");
const axios = require("axios");
// Define props that come from a parent component
const props = defProps({
title: String
// `defProxy` manages the state for this component.
// It stores all data relevant to this component.
const state = defProxy({
count: 0,
data: [],
users: []
// `defEvents` defines component-specific events.
// Events can be accessed from other components using `thisComponent.eventName`.
handler() {
openPanel() {
// Use `useSignal` to communicate with other components
useSignal("Panel").open = true;
// `defMethods` defines functions accessible within the template.
alter(value) {
return `${value}.`;
// `defWatch` monitors state changes; triggers when `count` changes
count(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("Count changed from", oldValue, "to", newValue);
// Alert outside of `defLoad` throw an error
// alert("loaded"); // incorrect
// `defLoad` runs when the component is ready in the client
defLoad(() => {
alert("Component loaded"); // correct usage
// `defError` handles errors within the component
defError((error) => {
console.log("Error encountered:", error);