Sassdoc plugin which localize your documentation
Inspired and used by igniteui-angular
Localizer for Sassdoc
When using Sassdoc for API docs generation you may want to generate documentation with different languages.
By using the package you will be able to:
- Merge all sass declarations that needs localization in a couple of json files.
- Translate them.
- Use the updated files to build a documentation for an entire project in the desired language.
npm install sassdoc-plugin-localization --save-dev
Important notes
Please take in mind that you are running your local npm packages by
right before the command execution. The alternative would be to install the plugin globally with-g
at the end of the command. Then you won't need to usenpx
Step 1
In order to generate the json representations of each sass decalaration you will have to use one of the exposed functions which is convert. The function accepts:
- The retrieved data which comes from the context of Sassdoc
- The directory where you would like to export your jsons.
As you can see the function is using sassdoc-extras in order to group the data so that the structure of the jsons to be grouped and sorted by types.
More precisely let's say we have the following sass definition:
/// @group bem
/// Converts a passed selector value into plain string.
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $s - The selector to be converted.
/// @returns {String}
@function bem--selector-to-string($s) {
@if $s == null {
@return '';
//cast to string
$s: inspect($s);
@if str-index($s, '(') {
// ruby sass => "(selector,)"
@return str-slice($s, 2, -3);
} @else {
// libsass => "selector"
@return str-slice($s, 1, -1);
Which says us that we have a sass definition with name bem--selector-to-string type function and group bem. So when we pass the processed data from the Sassdoc and group it we would have the following directory structure: ./your-path/bem/function.json and this file would contains the following JSON structure:
"bem--selector-to-string": {
"description": [
"<p>Converts a passed selector value into plain string.</p>",
"parameters": {
"s": {
"description": [
"<p>The selector to be converted.</p>",
Step 2
Do the translations and update the text within the jsons.
Step 3
To apply the changes that you have applied in those json files you will have to use the second exported function which is render The function accepts the same arguments as the convert function:
- The retrieved data which comes from the context of Sassdoc
- The directory where your json file lives.
The function would compare and replace the generated data from the Sassdoc with the translated data from the JSONS.