let's go back to original way to write our css
sass-compact vscode plugin
let's go back to original way to write our css
shortcut key shift+alt+f .
convert scss files and compact .wxss files
only format *.scss, *.wxss, *.less files.
support .wxss files and remove v,r,p scss mixin function flag and concat with rpx unit.
Less * Wxss Setting
- "sassCompact.Less": "false",//default false
- "sassCompact.Wxss": "true",//default true
- .scss format
.pt-select {
margin: 0 auto 3.6rem;
span {
margin: 0 0.7rem;
width: 11.7rem;
height: 16.5rem;
div {
width: 11.7rem;
border: 0.3rem solid #0d25a2;
span:after {
content: "";
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 11.7rem;
height: 16.5rem;
s.d3 {
margin-right: 15px;
.on {
div.d2 {
border: 0.3rem solid #c62c34;
form {
input {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
span:hover {
font-size: 13rem;
a .pi2 {
margin-right: 10px;
font-size: 10rem;
.on:after {
content: "";
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 11.7rem;
height: 16.5rem;
- output
.pt-select { margin: 0 auto 3.6rem;
span { margin: 0 0.7rem; width: 11.7rem; height: 16.5rem;
div { width: 11.7rem; border: 0.3rem solid #0d25a2; }
span:after { content: ""; top: 0; left: 0; width: 11.7rem; height: 16.5rem;
s.d3 { margin-right: 15px; }
.on {
div.d2 { border: 0.3rem solid #c62c34;
form {
input { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
span:hover { font-size: 13rem;
a .pi2 { margin-right: 10px; font-size: 10rem; }
.on:after { content: ""; top: 0; left: 0; width: 11.7rem; height: 16.5rem; }
- .wxss format
.page-award { width: v(-750);
.empty { font-size: v(-28);
img { margin-top: v(-222); width: v(303); margin-bottom: v(10); }
.award-list { margin: 0 v(96); height: v(850); }
.award-item { box-shadow:0 v(3) 0 0 rgba(13,17,90,1); box-shadow:0 v(3) 0 0 rgba(13,17,90,1); }
.award-item_status { right: v(28); }
.award-item_top {
img{max-width: v(100)}
.award-item_btn { box-shadow:0 v(2) v(2) rgba(223, 198, 153, 1);
&.used{background:#eee; }
- output
.page-award { width: -750rpx; }
.page-award .empty { font-size: -28rpx; }
.page-award .empty img { margin-top: -222rpx; width: 303rpx; margin-bottom: 10rpx; }
.page-award .award-list { margin: 0 96rpx; height: 850rpx; }
.page-award .award-item { box-shadow:0 3rpx 0 0 rgba(13,17,90,1); box-shadow:0 3rpx 0 0 rgba(13,17,90,1); }
.page-award .award-item_status { right: 28rpx; }
.page-award .award-item_top img{max-width: 100rpx}
.page-award .award-item_btn { box-shadow:0 2rpx 2rpx rgba(223, 198, 153, 1)}
.page-award .award-item_btn.used{background:#eee; }
Release Notes
Initial release of cssCompact
- 1、if you can not format your .scss/.less files, maybe you can exchange LF with CRLF.
- 2、if something weired, use ctrl+K ctrl+D to standard formatting your .scss files first.
- 3、leave a blank before '}' to make your emmet effective and format your code.
- 4、max nest level is 8, do not over this limit.
- 5、if you have mixin funtions of v(100)、r(30)、p(5) in your .wxss files, it will convert to 100rpx、30rpx、5rpx. you can also disable this feature from settings.json with "sassCompact.Wxss": "false".