sam broadcaster v3.2.2 serial mysql.4 __link__
Sam Broadcaster V3.2.2 Serial MySQL.4 Download LINK
the base plus zip file includes the base release 9 build plus optional, third-party software that provides ironpython scripting, mysql, postgresql/postgis, and sqlite drivers for esri st_geometry within sqlite databases. it also includes the full 233 mb grids.dat data file with hundreds of grids used in nadcon (usa), harn nadcon and ntv2 grid transformations for australia, austria, brazil, canada, france, germany, ireland, japan, netherlands, new zealand, portugal, spain, switzerland, and the uk. download this file if you require those transformations or if you will be working with mysql or postgresql/postgis.
note: the base plus zip file is the current, base release 9 build plus optional, third-party software that provides ironpython scripting and mysql, postgresql/postgis, and sqlite drivers for esri st_geometry within sqlite databases. it also includes the full 233 mb grids.dat data file with hundreds of grids used in nadcon (usa), harn nadcon and ntv2 grid transformations for australia, austria, brazil, canada, france, germany, ireland, japan, netherlands, new zealand, portugal, spain, switzerland, and the uk. download this file if you require those transformations or if you will be working with mysql or postgresql/postgis.
the base zip file includes the base release 9 build plus optional, third-party software that provides ironpython scripting and mysql, postgresql/postgis, and sqlite drivers for esri st_geometry within sqlite databases. it also includes the full 233 mb grids.dat data file with hundreds of grids used in nadcon (usa), harn nadcon and ntv2 grid transformations for australia, austria, brazil, canada, france, germany, ireland, japan, netherlands, new zealand, portugal, spain, switzerland, and the uk. download this file if you will be working with mysql or postgresql/postgis. 84d34552a1