Simple project to make it easy to connect to salesforce over node REPL CLI.
Simple project to make it easy to connect to salesforce over node REPL CLI.
For example:
Start node repl / command line interface:
node --experimental-repl-await
import the module:
const connector = require('....');
get a connection:
let conn = await connector.getConnection('Some_Salesforce_CLI_Alias');
run with gas, because you now have a valid jsForce connection:
const accountDescribe = await conn.describeSObject('Account');
What would I use this for?
Essentially anything you can do with a valid JsForce connection:
- You can get all picklist fields:
let allAccountPicklistFields = await conn.describeSObject('Account').fields
.filter((f) => f.type === "Picklist");
- You can get a clear list of all fields
let allFields = accountDescribe
.map(({name, label}) => ({name, label});
- then when you are all set, write the results
// note that the `_` variable in nodejs repl is the last result
connector.writeFile('./tmp/allFields.json', _ );
// or explicitly specify the variable to write out
connector.writeFile('./tmp/allFields.json', allFields);
- or read them back when you're ready
// list files in the tmp directory
// ['allFields.json', '']
// read json
const allFieldsLoaded = connector.readJSON('./tmp/allFields.json');
// read plain text file
const readme = connector.readFile('./tmp/');