Blueprints for nested waterline models for use in sails 1.0
As of sails 1.0, blueprints no longer support nested creates (passing along associated models during creates). This library brings it back in a non-obstrusive way.
Blueprint (Easiest)
The blueprint will automatically figure out which model to use just like sails blueprints.
exposes a create
, a destroy
, an update
and a count
, so just do this in a controller method:
let {blueprint} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
module.exports = blueprint
### Blueprint with options (Soft Delete)
Works just like the regular blueprint example, howerver allows passing an object with options for each of the blueprint methods.
Currently only `delete` supports options such as `cascade` (causes any associated record passed in with the main record to be deleted, same as `serviceFromReq(req).destroyNested`)
and `soft` (keeps the record but sets a flag `IsDeleted` to true on the affected records).
### "Soft Delete" Setup
In order for soft delete to work you have to add a boolean attribute to the model definition or in /config/models.js (to enable all your models to support soft deletes)
let {blueprint} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
// model using these blueprints will have its `isDeleted` attribute set to true instead of being deleted from the data store.
// If associated models are passed with the main record, they will also be soft-deleted since cascade is set to true
module.exports = blueprintOptions({destroy: {soft: true, cascade: true}})
The count
endpoint allows you to reach to /[model]/count
with a
query to retrieve the number of found elements, instead of the full
JSON object.
Cached Methods
We currently provide a couple of methods that make use of a simple but
extensible caching mechanism. The methods are find
and update
, and
to be able to use them, you'll need to provide a cache
object in the
configuration options passed to
. The cache
configuration object will have: a
object containing a get
, a set
, a del
and a keys
and a prefix
alongsides the provider. See
the following code as an example of how to use these methods on a
Sails controller:
let sails = require('sails')
let redis = require('redis')
let Promise = require('bluebird')
let client = redis.createClient(sails.config.redis)
let expiration = 60 // a minute
let keysExpiration = 60 * 30 // 30 minutes
let prefix = 'my-cache'
let blueprint = require('sails-nested-blueprint').blueprintOptions({
cache: {
provider: {
get: async key => JSON.parse(await client.getAsync(key)),
async set(key, val) {
let exp = (key === `${prefix}-keys`) ? keysExpiration : expiration
try {
await client.setexAsync(
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to setexAsync', {
async del(keys) {
await client.delAsync(keys)
async keys(query) {
await client.keys(query)
module.exports.find = blueprint.find
module.exports.update = blueprint.update
NOTE caching can be bypassed by returning false on an optional
a keygen
property passed to the options of blueprintOptions
This function receives the request object, so it can be personalized
for anything request-related.
You can also use the service directly if you need to perform a nested
create (or destroy) as part of some other operation.
On the service, these functions are called createNested
and destroyNested
To perform a soft delete with a service use destroy({soft: true}, record)
or destroySoft(record)
or combine both nested and soft deletion destroyNestedSoft(record)
let {service} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
let sails = require('sails')
let SomeOperation = async (...args) => {
let payload = getPayload(args)
await service(sails.models, 'SomeModel').createNested(payload) // Returns 201 if successful
You can also use the helper utilities directly in a controller method to recreate what blueprint
let {serviceFromReq, service} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
module.exports = {
create: async (req, res) => res
.status(await serviceFromReq(req).createNested(req.allParams()))
It is much nicer if you use sails-async
- see the index.js source for the implementation