Validations in Sailsjs requests
Sails hook for validate request.
npm install --save sails-hook-validator
######Requirements: Sails v1.0.0 and lodash enabled as global (by default it comes enabled) and node 6 >=
If something goes wrong it return a 400 to the user with the error, if it goes ok it returns the params. It works as a filter too, for example if the client sends name and surname but we only want to work with the name:
// req.params.all() === {name: 'joseba', surname: 'legarreta'}
var param = req.validator('name');
// param === {name: 'joseba'}
// For more that one params the required params have to go in an Array
// req.params.all() === {id: 1, name: 'joseba'}
var params = req.validator(['id', 'password']);
// params === false && the client has a 400 - password is required
// so we end the controller execution
if(!params) return null;
// If we have params continue the logic
User.update(, params).exec(function(){}); //...
// Not sending the default 400 code with error text
// Just set the second params as false.
var params = req.validator(['nickname', 'email', 'password', '?name'], false);
// In case of error params === false else the params will be an object with values
if(params) return res.ok(); else return res.badRequest('Custom message');
var filter = [
'id', '?name',
{'?surname': ['string', 'toUpper'], height: 'float', '?age': 'int'}
req.validator(filter, false, function(err, params){
// err === {message: 'parsedError...', invalidParameters: ['invalid', 'parameter', 'list']}
if(err) return res.badRequest(err.message);
return res.ok(params);
// OR
var filter = [
'id', '?name',
{'?surname': ['string', 'toUpper'], height: 'float', '?age': 'int'}
req.validator(filter, function(err, params){ // If error the validator will send the req.400
if(params) return res.ok(params);
If we want to check the type we can ask for it, for example: int, email, boolean, float... req.validator checks if it is the type that we are looking for or if it's posible to convert to the type that we want (ex: 'upper' check if is upperCase text, 'toUpper' upperCase the text if the value is a string, if it couldn't upperCase it the client will get an 400).
If it can't convert or the types doesn't match, it will send the 400 error to the client. Example:
// req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: '12.20', url: 'HttP://GOOGLE.eS', email: '[email protected]'}
var params = req.validator(['id', {likes: 'int', url: ['url', 'toLower'], email: 'email'}]);
// params = {id: 1, likes: 12, url: '', email: '[email protected]'}
// req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: '12.20', url: '', email: '[email protected]'}
var params = req.validator(['id', 'url', {likes: 'float', email: 'email'}]);
// params = {id: 1, likes: 12.20, url: '', email: '[email protected]'}
// req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: 'hello', url: '', email: '[email protected]'}
var params = req.validator(['id', {url: ['url', 'lower'], likes: 'float', email: 'email'}]);
// params === false and the client gets a res 400 - 'likes' has to be a float
// More examples
var param = req.validator({color: ['hexcolor', 'upper']});
// More examples
// Optional values
var param = req.validator('?nickname', {color: ['hexcolor', 'upper'], '?name': 'toUpper'});
// If we have a nickname and/or a name parameters it will return it to the param var applying the rules
// If nickname or/and name are undefined in the request, it will ignore them and won't send 400
Validation types (for now, maybe I will add more)
To test this hook, you need mocha installed in your computer globally.
npm install -g mocha // Just if you don't have mocha installed yet
// And then just run mocha in the hook folder
// Optional: Change port or log level
log=info port=1234 mocha
// log level options = error, warn, info, verbose and silly. By default: warn
// port by default: 1992