A Sails hook for gengo.js, the best i18n library for Node.js
A Sails hook for gengo.js, the best i18n library for Node.js
This hook is the official gengo.js for Sails. gengo.js is an i18n library designed to be the best for Node and will officially support Sails. This hook will override the default i18n library that is built into Sails.
- Install the hook with
npm i --save sails-hook-gengojs
- Copy and paste the options below into the
file underconfig/
. - Finally, override the default i18n hook in
"generators": {
"modules": {}
"hooks": {
"i18n": false
Once that is done, check out the example for usage. Expect a sails example to be created soon in that same folder so be watching!
* Internationalization / Localization Settings
* (sails.config.i18n)
* If your app will touch people from all over the world, i18n (or internationalization)
* may be an important part of your international strategy.
* For more informationom i18n in Sails, check out:
module.exports.i18n = {
* *
* Override the namespaces used for debugging. *
* See for documentation. *
// debug : {
// enabled: true,
// namespaces:[ 'core', 'parser', 'router', 'api', 'header', 'localize', 'backend' ]
* *
* Override any default plugins for gengojs. *
* See for documentation. *
// plugins : {},
* *
* API Options *
* See for documentation. *
// api: {
// /**
// * 'global' refers to the api use for i18n your phrases.
// * ( e.g. __("Hello") )
// */
// "global":"__",
// /**
// * 'localize' refers to the api use for i18n your date, time, and number.
// * ( e.g. __l("ja").date().now() )
// */
// "localize":"__l"
// },
* *
* Backend Options *
* See for documentation. *
// backend: {
// /**
// * 'directory' refers to the path to your dictionary respect to the
// * root of your sails app.
// */
// "directory": "/config/locales",
// /**
// * 'extension' refers to the file extension of your dictionary.
// */
// "extension": "json",
// /**
// * 'prefix' refers to the prefix in your file's name.
// */
// "prefix": "",
// /**
// * 'cache' refers to caching and enables gengo to store the dictionary
// * without changes until the server has been restarted.
// */
// "cache": true
// },
* *
* Header Options *
* See for documentation. *
// header: {
// /**
// * 'detect' refers to the detection type. Note that it is best to use one type of detection.
// * Note: Any PRs will be accepted that may help gengojs-accept detect multiple types.
// */
// "detect": {
// /**
// * 'query' enables query parsing for any key that refers to the locale.
// * ( e.g. )
// */
// "query": false,
// /**
// * 'subdomain' enables subdomain parsing for the locale.
// * ( e.g. )
// */
// "subdomain": false,
// /**
// * 'url' enables url parsing for the locale.
// * ( e.g. )
// */
// "url": false,
// /**
// * 'cookie' enables cookie parsing for the locale.
// */
// "cookie": false,
// /**
// * 'header' enables header parsing for the locale.
// * ( e.g. Accept-Language )
// */
// "header": true
// },
// /**
// * 'keys' refers to the key used in cookie and query parsing.
// */
// "keys": {
// "cookie": "locale",
// "query": "locale"
// },
// /**
// * 'supported' refers to the locales supported in your app.
// */
// "supported": ["en-US"],
// /**
// * 'default' refers to the default locale of your app.
// */
// "default": "en-US"
// },
* *
* Parser Options *
* See for documentation. *
// parser : {
// /**
// * 'type' refers to the type of parser used.
// * ( e.g. 'default' = template/interpolation and sprintf, 'format' = message format, '*' = all/auto )
// */
// "type": "default",
// /**
// * 'markdown' refers to options for markdown-it.
// * See for documentation.
// */
// "markdown": {
// /**
// * 'enabled' refers to enabling markdown-it.
// */
// "enabled": false,
// "html": false,
// "xhtmlOut": false,
// "breaks": false,
// "langPrefix": "language-",
// "linkify": false,
// "typographer": false,
// "quotes": "“”‘’"
// },
// /**
// * 'template' refers to interpolation.
// * ( e.g. __('{{greet}}', 'hello') -> 'hello'
// */
// "template": {
// /**
// * 'enabled' refers to enabling interpolation.
// */
// "enabled": true,
// /**
// * 'open' refers to opening expression.
// */
// "open": "{{",
// /**
// * 'open' refers to opening expression.
// */
// "close": "}}"
// },
// /**
// * 'sprintf' refers to sprintf
// */
// "sprintf": {
// /**
// * 'enabled' refers to enabling sprintf.
// */
// "enabled": true
// },
// /**
// * 'keywords' refers to the keywords used in your dictionary.
// */
// "keywords": {
// /**
// * 'default' refers to the default phrase in your dictionary (in your native language).
// */
// "default": "default",
// /**
// * 'translated' refers to the translated phrase in your dictionary (in another language).
// */
// "translated": "translated",
// /**
// * 'global' refers to the globally used dictionary when router is enabled (router independent).
// */
// "global": "global"
// }
// },
* *
* Router Options *
* See for documentation. *
// router: {
// /**
// * 'enabled' refers to enabling the special data structure in your dictionary.
// * ( e.g. URL path = '/greet/', Dictionary = { 'index': {'greet': { /* ... */ } } } )
// */
// "enabled": false
// }