Email hook for Sails 0.12
This is the updated verison of sails-hook-email developed by balderdashy. I have created this repo, because i could't able to push the changes on the balderdashy's repo.
There are no updates planned for this hook for Sails v1.0 and beyond.
Feel free to continue to use this hook in existing projects, as-is, as long as it's doing the job for you. Just note that it's no longer the approach the Sails core team uses for new apps. Instead, we are now recommending the approach for sending emails that is bundled as part of
sails new
in Sails v1.To try that out, run
sails new foo --caviar
using Sails >= v1.0 and Node <= v7.9.If you're unsure or need advice, visit
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Email hook for Sails JS, using Nodemailer
Note: This requires Sails v0.10.6+.
npm uninstall sails-hook-email
npm install sails-hook-email-updated
Usage, data, options, cb)
Parameter | Type | Details
-------------- | ------------------- |:---------------------------------
template | ((string)) | Relative path from templateDir
(see "Configuration" below) to a folder containing email templates.
data | ((object)) | Data to use to replace template tokens
options | ((object)) | Email sending options (see Nodemailer docs)
cb | ((function)) | Callback to be run after the email sends (or if an error occurs).
By default, configuration lives in
. The configuration key (email
) can be changed by setting sails.config.hooks['sails-hook-email'].configKey
Parameter | Type | Details
-------------- | ------------------- |:---------------------------------
service | ((string)) | A "well-known service" that Nodemailer knows how to communicate with (see this list of services)
auth | ((object)) | Authentication object as {user:"...", pass:"..."}
transporter | ((object)) | Custom transporter passed directly to nodemailer.createTransport (overrides service/auth) (see Available Transports)
templateDir | ((string)) | Path to view templates relative to sails.config.appPath
(defaults to views/emailTemplates
from | ((string)) | Default from
email address
testMode | ((boolean)) | Flag indicating whether the hook is in "test mode". In test mode, email options and contents are written to a .tmp/email.txt
file instead of being actually sent. Defaults to true
alwaysSendTo | ((string)) | If set, all emails will be sent to this address regardless of the to
option specified. Good for testing live emails without worrying about accidentally spamming people.
// [your-sails-app]/config/email.js = {
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {user: '[email protected]', pass: 'emailpassword'},
testMode: true,
host: "",
port: 465,
secure: true, // use TLS
tls: {
// do not fail on invalid certs
rejectUnauthorized: false
Templates are generated using your configured Sails View Engine, allowing for multiple template engines and layouts. If Sails Views are disabled, will fallback to EJS templates. To define a new email template, create a new folder with the template name inside your templateDir
directory, and add an html.ejs file inside the folder (substituting .ejs for your template engine). You may also add an optional text.ejs
file; if none is provided, Nodemailer will attempt to create a text version of the email based on the html version.
Given the following html.ejs file contained in the folder views/emailTemplates/testEmail:
<p>Dear <%=recipientName%>,</p>
<p><em>Thank you</em> for being a friend.</p>
executing the following command (after configuring for your email service and turning off test mode) :
recipientName: "Joe",
senderName: "Sue"
to: "[email protected]",
subject: "Hi there"
function(err) {console.log(err || "It worked!");}
will result in the following email being sent to [email protected]
Dear Joe,
Thank you for being a friend.
with an error being printed to the console if one occurred, otherwise "It worked!".