sails generate role
A role generator for use with the Sails command-line interface.
Roles allow you to specify access restrictions based on roles. This includes normal controller access via policies as well as model restrictions.
See usage section for more details.
$ npm install sails-generate-role
On the command line
The plugin (via a Sails hook) is initialized when the first role is generated. For example, to start with an admin role, do the following:
$ sails generate role Admin
Please note that this is work in progress. Some of the options described below may not work yet. Todo: Detail 'readonly' and 'restrict' behaviour.
In your code
The role restrictions can be defined in two different ways. The first is to use the policies.js, located in the sails project (config/policies.js). It's recommended to use this if you already have a lot of policies and don't want to migrate to the role based layout.
In addition, it is necessary to implement the method 'resolveRoles' of the api/roles/RoleContext.js. This will allow the role framework to look up all roles for a given request.
Via policies.js
var rolePolicy = require('sails-generate-role').rolePolicy;
module.exports = {
//Restrict partnerId attribute on model app to read-only for users with role partner
// This would remove the partnerId from all update/create calls to blueprint REST services
// If you want more control (e.g. overwrite a value), use 'restrict'
App: rolePolicy({
'partner': {
'partnerId': 'readonly'
//Controller policies can be combined with standard policies:
// Only allow logged in users with admin OR partner role to access the find action
AppController: {
find: ['isLoggedIn', rolePolicy(['admin', 'partner'])]
Via *Role.js
The other possibility is to specify all policies and model restrictions in the role itself (e.g. api/roles/AdminRole.js).
var rolePolicy = require('sails-generate-role').rolePolicy;
module.exports = {
'*': ['isLoggedIn', rolePolicy('admin')] //Disallow for everyone except admin
module.exports = {
//Allow access to specific actions
controllers: {
AppController: {
find: true,
findOne: true
models: {
App: {
'partnerId': 'restrict'
restrictCriteria: function(request, model, roleValues, criteria, next) {
//No additional restrictions, modify criteria as necessary
next(null, criteria);
restrictValues: function(request, model, valueObj, next) {
//No additional restrictions, modify values as necessary
next(null, valueObj);