handles request from users to have their SabroshiAvatar displayed, loads and displays their profile image, saves imagedata and avatarlocation to local storage.
handles request from users to have their SabroshiAvatar displayed, loads and displays their profile image, saves imagedata and avatarlocation to local storage.
npm install sabroshi-react-loader
import React from 'react'
import SabroshiLoader from 'sabroshi-react-loader';
function Example() {
<div className="exampleContent">
<SabroshiLoader width={32} height={32} />
export default Example;
width and height are optional.
Edit the css with:
the created html has a container div with the id="sabroshiContainer"
and the img added has className="sabroshiPicture"
If the user requested to have his Avatar displayed (using getParamter sabroshiAvatar),
the following localStorage entries are created:
-sabroshiAvatar (the avatar run location)
-sabroshiDataURL (img data of the pic that should be displayed, can be used as src of img tags or saved into the db entry of your user where appropiate)
-sabroshiName (a name the user has chosen, null if he did choose a name)
-sabroshiBio (a short text with more informations about the user, null if he did not change the bio)
-currentSabroshi ( an object with the attributes of the currently equipped sabroshi: description(name), dataURL, rarity, background, gender, series, eyes, complexion, mask, mouth, nose, hat, hair, brow), the sabroshi Ojbect has to be loaded with JSON.parse(window.localStorage.currentSabroshi) to access it as a javascript object.)
You can choose to use this data on your homepage / in your app or not.
If you add display=false as the props (i.e. ) the component will not the picutre directly but put the img data into the localstorage variable sabroshiDataURL for you to use elsewhere.
if the user decides to no longer want to have his avatar displaye, he sents sabroshiAvatar=disconnect,
the SabroshiLoader deletes the localStorage entries and adds an entry sabroshiDisconnect = true instead.
If the user reconnects again, the sabroshiDisconnect variable is set to false.
MIT © janv83