Replicate S3 Events to alternate bucket. Solves same-region replication.
S3 Replicator
This package includes a simple lambda functions and associated permissions to replicate create-object events from one S3 bucket to another. It was developed to enable same-region cross-account object replication.
Copy the .tfvars sample file:
cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
Populate the sample file with values that apply to your AWS environment (see configuration variables section, below).
Deploy this module with:
terraform apply
NOTE: Terraform will ignore the aws_profile
config variable if you have static credentials or environment variables set, see the AWS Provider page.
Configuration variables are shown in terraform.tfvars.sample
, and are explained below:
prefix = "myprefix" # prefix to name created replicator resources
permissions_boundary = "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:policy/YourRoleBoundary" # IAM permissions boundary ARN
source_bucket = "source-bucket-name" # Source S3 bucket
source_prefix = "source-prefix" # Source object prefix e.g. 'path/to/filedir'
tags = { Deployment = "myprefix" } # Tags to be assigned to all managed resources
target_bucket = "target-bucket-name" # Target S3 bucket e.g. 'mybucket'
target_prefix = "target-prefix" # Target object prefix path
# Optional
security_group_ids = ["sg-123456"] # Security Group IDs (for Lambda)
vpc_id = "vpc-123456" # VPC ID (for Lambda)
subnet_ids = ["subnet-123456"] # Subnet IDs (for Lambda)