Make inherits in es5
installation for Node.js
npm i s-inherit --save
installation for Browser
bower i s-inherit --save
An easy way to make inheritance constructors for "ES5".
Node util "inherits" gives the mode of inheritance.
var inherit = require('s-inherit');
// rewrite constructor
inherit(Child, Parent); // the same as util.inherits
// make a instance
var instance = new Child();
Make constructor from others
When constructor inheritance, constructor which inherit got a link to super and broken for origin.Thoughts on the re-use base constructor led to the idea - to create a new constructor that inherits but does not overwrite the other (basic / decorating). This results in the creation of necessary construtors on the basis of any previously created and does not prevent their reuse further.
var inherit = require('s-inherit');
// without broken origin constructor
var NewConstructor = inherit.extend(Child, Parent1, Parent2, Parent3);
Note: without changing "Child". (NewConstructor != Child)
usually expects a interface for future class.
function Interface1 () {
Interface1.prototype = {
// different interfaces
function Interface2 () {
Interface2.prototype = {
after that, setting a base functionality.
function Base1 () {
Base1.prototype = {
// different functionality
function Base2 () {
Base2.prototype = {
after that, we want set a realization.
function Foo1 () {
Foo1.prototype = {
// different realizations
function Foo2 () {
Foo2.prototype = {
Example usage compilation for constructors
var inherit = require('s-inherit');
// create constructor without broken origin constructor and prototypes
var Model1 = inherit.extend(Foo1, Base1, Interface1);
var Model2 = inherit.extend(Foo2, Base2, Interface2);
// or maybe Some thing more complicated
// in most cases it really hard to merge
var Model3 = inherit.extend(Model1, Base2, Interface2);
Note: But if each of Constructor do not have relation based on inherent and still have the original version. It can be not so hard.
Sometimes you need to make a decoration of the model, adding methods and fields for a particular implementation without affecting its inheritance, and without breaking the original class. How can it be.
var inherit = require('s-inherit');
// make new class decorated for existing class of existing decorator and addition source
var Decorated = inherit.decorate(Foo1, {top: 100}, {top: 10, left: 100});
var instance = new Decorated( 'test' );
instance.top; // => 100 if it not overided from "Foo" constructor
Note: scenery method ignores the prototypes of the classes.
say - "We wanna get a SUPER - and that super must be a unique for each model which we defined"
This is a difficult moment. But I have a proposal for its decision. Since multiple inheritance, the main problem for a unique index transmission, within a single prototype class parent.
ans - "I offer to attend to yourself about how to point out the Super"
Extension expects a special method called "_setSuper" and correctly sends the super of model.
function Foo4 () {
console.log('Foo4', arguments);
this.source4 = 'Foo4';
Foo4.prototype = {
constructor: Foo4,
instance: 'Foo4',
t4: 'Foo4',
test: function ( some ) {
this[Super].prototype.test(' foo4 '+ some);
WTF ???
it's method to set super by unique name for this Class
I think this is a good solution for es6
Since the syntax of classes implementing in ES6 more limits the javascript classes, than expanding their.
var Super = Symbol();
Foo4._setSuper = function ( Parent ) {
// you can call to super or super prototype by this unique name
this[Super] = this[Super]||Parent;