Tiny date/time formatter
Same general purpose as moment.js, but in ~1kb minified.
This CommonJS module exports a single function that takes two parameters. The first is a format string, the second is an optional Date
. If the date is omitted, it defaults to new Date();
If you don't need full customizability for your date string, you probably don't need this library. Just use Date.toLocaleDateString() and related methods.
var date = require('s-date');
var myBirthday = new Date(1994, 10, 7);
date('{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}', myBirthday); // '11/07/1994'
Formatting options
Example: For January 2, 2053 4:30pm + 45 seconds
| String template | Output example | Meaning |
| --------------- | -------------- | ------------------- |
| {yyyy}
| 2053 | 4-digit year |
| {yy}
| 53 | 2-digit year |
| {mm}
| 01 | 2-digit month |
| {m}
| 1 | unpadded month |
| {Month}
| January | month name |
| {Mo}
| Jan | month shortname |
| {d}
| 2 | date |
| {ds}
| 2nd | date + suffix |
| {dd}
| 02 | 2-digit date |
| {Weekday}
| Thursday | day of the week |
| {Day}
| Thu | day shortname |
| {Dy}
| Th | day shortername |
| {D}
| T | 1-char day name |
| {h24}
| 16 | unpadded hours (24) |
| {hh24}
| 16 | hours (24) |
| {hh}
| 04 | hours (12) |
| {h}
| 4 | unpadded hours (12) |
| {ampm}
| pm | am/pm |
| {AMPM}
| PM | AM/PM |
| {Minutes}
| 30 | Minutes (padded) |
| {Seconds}
| 45 | Seconds (padded) |
To output the example above...
// Date(year, month-1, date, hours, minutes, seconds)
var someDay = new Date(2053, 0, 2, 4, 30, 45);
date('{Month} {d}, {yyyy} {h}:{Minutes}{ampm} + {Seconds} seconds', someDay);
Run using benchmark.js on 2.3GHz Macbook Pro
s-date x 428,936 ops/sec ±2.29% (79 runs sampled)
moment x 271,963 ops/sec ±1.34% (85 runs sampled)
date-fns x 196,827 ops/sec ±1.17% (80 runs sampled)
dayjs x 121,425 ops/sec ±1.99% (87 runs sampled)
luxon x 90,782 ops/sec ±1.13% (83 runs sampled)
Fastest is s-date