A simple RxJS-powered interface for uploading files.
RxJS Uploader
A simple RxJS-powered interface for uploading files.
Demo: https://lsqlabs.github.io/rxjs-uploader
Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-uploader-example
npm install rxjs-uploader
Publishing Updates to npm
- Make sure you are logged in via cli to the npm account that owns the package (if you work at LSQ Funding, check the 1Password vault).
- Increment the version number in projects/rxjs-uploader/package.json appropriately.
npm run build:lib
npm run publish
Basic Usage
import { Uploader } from 'rxjs-uploader';
// You may pass configuration options to the Uploader constructor.
const uploader = new Uploader({
allowedContentTypes: [ 'application/pdf' ]
// Or you can set them using setter methods.
// Once configured, call `streamFileUploads` to ready the uploader.
// The method returns the stream of `FileUpload`s.
const fileUploads$ = uploader.streamFileUploads();
// Calling `streamFileUploads` without arguments tells Uploader to use
// the default file source, a hidden <input type="file"> appended to
// <body> when `Uploader` instantiates. `selectFiles` fires a `click`
// event on that input.
Simple example
<!-- Single file input -->
<input id="file-source" type="file">
<!-- OR multiple file input -->
<input id="file-source" type="file" multiple>
<!-- OR drop zone -->
<div id="file-source"></div>
const fileUploads$ = new Uploader()
// Alternatively, let Uploader use its default <input> (which is
// hidden and appended to <body>).
// Use it by calling `uploader.selectFiles()`.
// By default, the file input is of type 'single'. You can pass the
// type you want ('single' or 'multiple') to streamFileUploads.
const uploader = new Uploader({
requestUrl: 'https://www.mocky.io/v2/5185415ba171ea3a00704eed'
const fileUploads$ = uploader.streamFileUploads('multiple');
Advanced example (using Angular)
selector: 'uploader-demo',
template: `
<button (click)="hiddenFileInput.click()">
I'm a prettier alternative to the file input
<button (click)="uploader.clear()">Cancel all</button>
export class UploaderDemoComponent implements AfterViewInit {
public fileUploads$: Observable<FileUpload[]>;
public hiddenFileInput = Uploader.createFileInputElement(
public uploader = new Uploader({
allowedContentTypes: [
fileCountLimit: 100,
fileSizeLimitMb: 10,
uploadFileAsBody: false, // Default is false. When true, the file will be the body of the request, instead of being sent as form data.
onFileCountLimitExceeded: (fileCountLimit) => alert(
'You attempted to upload more than the limit of '
+ fileCountLimit + ' files'
requestOptionsFactory: (fileUpload) => {
return {
url: 'https://api.myawesomeservice.com/upload/'
+ fileUpload.name,
headers: {
'content-length': `${fileUpload.file.size}`
withCredentials: false // Default is false. When true, the XHR withCredentials flag will be set to allow propagating cookies.
allFilesQueuedCallback: (fileUploads) => {
// It's possible you'll want to do some async stuff
// before actually executing the upload. To do that,
// simply return a Promise.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Simulating an HTTP call.
setTimeout(() => {
+ ' files are ready to upload'
}, 1000);
fileUploadedCallback: (fileUpload) => {
console.log(fileUpload.name + ' was uploaded');
return fileUpload;
allFilesUploadedCallback: (fileUploads) => {
console.log(fileUploads.length + ' files were uploaded');
disallowedContentTypeErrorMessage: (file) => {
return `${file.name} is an unsupported file type: ${file.type}`;
disallowedContentSizeErrorMessage: (file) => {
return `${file.name} is larger than the limit of 100mb.`;
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.fileUploads$ = this.uploader
class Uploader<FileUploadType extends FileUpload> {
* A stream indicating whether the user is currently dragging
* files over any registered drop zone.
isDraggedOverStream: Observable<boolean>;
* A stream of any errors that occur during upload.
errorStream: Observable<UploaderError>;
* Return an `HTMLInputElement` with the specified `accept`, and
* `className` attributes.
* If called with no arguments, creates a single-file `input`.
static createFileInputElement(
type?: 'single' | 'multiple',
accept?: string,
className?: string
): HTMLInputElement;
config?: IUploaderConfig<FileUploadType> | 'single' | 'multiple'
* Take one or more `FileSource`s (`input[type="file"]`s or drop
* zone target elements) and return an observable of
* `FileUpload`s, executing the uploads immediately (if an
* `allFilesQueuedCallback` does not exist) or when the
* `allFilesQueuedCallback` returns or resolves.
...fileSources: FileSource[]
): Observable<FileUploadType[]>;
* Pipe an empty array to the stream returned by
* `streamFileUploads`, unsubscribe from all open subscriptions,
* and set all associated file input elements' `value` property
* to `''`.
clear(): void;
* Call `.click()` on the default file input element (created and
* appended to <body> when Uploader is instantiated). Useful when
* calling `streamFileUploads` with no arguments.
selectFiles(): void;
setRequestUrl(url: string): this;
factoryOrOptions?: IUploadRequestOptions
| ((fileUpload?: FileUploadType) => Promise<IUploadRequestOptions>)
): this;
factory: (fileUpload?: FileUploadType) =>
): this;
requestOptionsPatch?: Partial<IUploadRequestOptions>
): this;
interface IFileUpload {
/** The state and percentage of the file's upload progress. */
progress: IProgress;
/** The response, if any, returned from the HTTP upload call. */
response: Response;
/** The code from the HTTP response, if any (e.g. `200`). */
responseCode: number;
/** The HTTP response body, if any. */
responseBody: any;
/** Set to `true` the first time the file upload is executed. */
uploadHasStarted: boolean;
* Receives a value every time the FileUpload is supposed to
* execute its HTTP upload.
executeStream: Observable<void>;
* Receives `false` when `markForRemoval()` is called, telling
* `Uploader` to delete it from memory and cancel the upload if
* one is pending.
isMarkedForRemovalStream: Observable<boolean>;
/** Returns the value passed to `setRequestOptions()`. */
readonly requestOptions: IUploadRequestOptions;
/** A unique identifier for the `FileUpload`. */
readonly id: Symbol;
/** The `name` taken from `file.name`. */
readonly name: string;
/** Percentage of the upload that has been completed. */
readonly progressPercentage: number;
/** Boolean indicating whether an upload is in progress. */
readonly uploading: boolean;
* Boolean indicating whether the upload has completed, either
* successfully or not.
readonly uploaded: boolean;
/** Boolean indicating whether the upload has succeeded. */
readonly succeeded: boolean;
/** Boolean indicating whether the upload has failed. */
readonly failed: boolean;
* Boolean indicating whether the upload has been marked as a
* failure by `Uploader`.
readonly rejected: boolean;
* Boolean indicating whether the `FileUpload` has been marked
* for deletion by `Uploader`.
readonly isMarkedForRemoval: boolean;
/** Used by `Uploader` to mark a `FileUpload` as failed. */
reject(errorResponse?: any): void;
* Set the `IUploadRequestOptions`, used to construct the HTTP
* request.
setRequestOptions(options: IUploadRequestOptions): void;
/** Used by `Uploader` to construct the HTTP request. */
createRequest(): {
method: HttpMethod,
url: string,
body: FormData,
headers?: { [key: string]: string }
/** Resets the state of the `FileUpload`. */
reset(): void;
/** Executes the file upload. */
retry(): void;
/** Used by `Uploader` to mark the `FileUpload` for deletion. */
markForRemoval(): void;
/** Alias for {@link IFileUpload#markForRemoval}` */
remove(): void;
type FileUploadCallbackReturn<ReturnType> =
Promise<ReturnType> | ReturnType | void;
interface IUploaderConfig<FileUploadType
extends FileUpload = FileUpload> {
allowedContentTypes?: string[];
fileCountLimit?: number | (() => number);
fileSizeLimitMb?: number;
dragAndDropFlagSelector?: string;
requestUrl?: string;
requestOptions?: ((fileUpload?: FileUploadType) =>
Promise<IUploadRequestOptions>) | IUploadRequestOptions;
fileUploadType?: any;
allFilesQueuedCallback?: (
fileUploads: FileUploadType[]
) => FileUploadCallbackReturn<FileUploadType[]>;
fileUploadedCallback?: (
fileUpload: FileUploadType
) => FileUploadCallbackReturn<FileUploadType>;
allFilesUploadedCallback?: (
fileUploads: FileUploadType[]
) => FileUploadCallbackReturn<FileUploadType[]>;
onFileCountLimitExceeded?: (fileCountLimit: number) => void;
interface IProgress {
percent: number;
state: ProgressState;
interface IUploadRequestOptions {
url: string;
method?: HttpMethod;
formData?: FormData;
headers?: { [key: string]: string };
withCredentials?: boolean;
enum ProgressState {