The SubscriptionQueue is a locking mechanism for RxJS Observables.
RxJS Subscription Queue
The SubscriptionQueue is a locking mechanism for Observables. It is implemented as an operator for observables. From the outside it looks like you have a normal subscription to an observable, but the original observable is not subscribed until the previous Subscription ends.
Example Usages
with multiple observables
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { SubscriptionQueue, subscriptionQueue } from './subscription-queue';
const queue: SubscriptionQueue = subscriptionQueue();
queue.queueLengthObservable.subscribe((queueLength: number) => console.log('queueLength: ' + queueLength));
timer(300).pipe(tap({ subscribe: () => console.log('start waiting for 300ms') }), queue).subscribe(() => console.log('A'));
timer(100).pipe(tap({ subscribe: () => console.log('start waiting for 100ms') }), queue).subscribe(() => console.log('B'));
timer(200).pipe(tap({ subscribe: () => console.log('start waiting for 200ms') }), queue).subscribe(() => console.log('C'));
// Output:
// queueLength: 0
// queueLength: 1
// start waiting for 300ms
// queueLength: 2
// queueLength: 3
// A
// queueLength: 2
// start waiting for 100ms
// B
// queueLength: 1
// start waiting for 200ms
// C
// queueLength: 0
subscribing multiple times
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { SubscriptionQueue, subscriptionQueue } from './subscription-queue';
const queue: SubscriptionQueue = subscriptionQueue();
queue.queueLengthObservable.subscribe((queueLength: number) => console.log('queueLength: ' + queueLength));
const observable = timer(100).pipe(
subscribe: () => console.log('start waiting for 100ms'),
unsubscribe: () => console.log('cancel waiting')
const A = observable.subscribe(() => console.log('A'));
const B = observable.subscribe(() => console.log('B'));
const C = observable.subscribe(() => console.log('C'));
// Output:
// queueLength: 0
// queueLength: 1
// start waiting for 100ms
// queueLength: 2
// queueLength: 1
// queueLength: 2
// cancel waiting
// queueLength: 1
// start waiting for 100ms
// C
// queueLength: 0
Properties of the SubscriptionQueue
queueLength: number;
The current length of the queue including the currently active subscription.
queueLengthObservable: Observable<number>;
An Observable emitting the current length of the queue including the currently active subscription. It emits once on subscription and again whenever the value changes.