An DOM JSX renderer for RxJS
This library is an experiment to use RxJS as a fine grained DOM renderer with RxJS Autorun.
It accomplishes this with using Babel Plugin JSX DOM Expressions. It compiles JSX to DOM statements and wraps expressions in functions that can be called by the library of choice. In this case autorun wrap these expressions ensuring the view stays up to date. Unlike Virtual DOM only the changed nodes are affected and the whole tree is not re-rendered over and over.
To use include 'babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions' in your babelrc, webpack babel loader, or rollup babel plugin
"plugins": [["jsx-dom-expressions", {moduleName: 'rxjsx'}]]
> npm install rxjsx babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions
For example:
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
import { render, $ } from 'rxjsx'
const Greeter = (props) =>
<div onClick={props.onClick}>Hello {props.name || 'World'}</div>
function App() {
const name = new BehaviorSubject('John');
return <>
<h1>Greeting Example</h1>
<Greeter name={$(name)} onClick={() => name.next('Jake')}/>
render(App, document.getElementById('main'));
Control flow works the way you generally would JSX. However for performant list rendering I have added a fn on subscribable
called memoMap
that will optimally handle arrays.
<For each={$(list)}>{item => <li>{item}</li>}</For>
For those who do not wish to use Babel to precompile, the RxJSX supports Tagged Template Literals or HyperScript render APIs. These are available when you install the companion library and throw import of 'rxjsx/html' and 'rxjsx/h'. Refer to the docs on Lit DOM Expressions, and Hyper DOM Expressions, respectively.
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
import { h, $, render } from 'rxjsx/h';
const Greeter = props =>
h('div', {onclick}, 'Hello', () => props.name || 'World');
function App() {
const name = new BehaviorSubject('John');
return h('div', [
h('h1', 'Greeting Example'),
h(Greeter, {name: () => $(name), onClick: () => name('Jake')})
render(App, document.getElementById('main'));