Extra RxJS extension methods to make working with Observables easier.
A few RxJS extension methods to make working with Observables easier.
var _ = require('underscore');
var Rx = require('rx');
var observableProto = Rx.Observable.prototype;
// Combine from both sources until either source completes.
observableProto.combineUntil = function(second, selector) {};
// Combine from both sources until the source Observable completes.
observableProto.combineUntilFirst = function(second, selector) {};
// Combine from both sources until the second Observable completes.
observableProto.combineUntilSecond = function(second, selector) {};
// Combines both sources into a Tuple[a, b]
observableProto.combinePair =
observableProto.combineTuple =
observableProto.combineAsPair =
observableProto.combineAsTuple = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources into a Tuple[a, b] until either source completes.
observableProto.combinePairUntil =
observableProto.combineTupleUntil =
observableProto.combineAsPairUntil =
observableProto.combineAsTupleUntil = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources into a Tuple[a, b] until the source Observable completes.
observableProto.combinePairUntilFirst =
observableProto.combineTupleUntilFirst =
observableProto.combineAsPairUntilFirst =
observableProto.combineAsTupleUntilFirst = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources into a Tuple[a, b] until the second Observable completes.
observableProto.combinePairUntilSecond =
observableProto.combineTupleUntilSecond =
observableProto.combineAsPairUntilSecond =
observableProto.combineAsTupleUntilSecond = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources, but only takes values from the source Observable.
observableProto.combineFirst =
observableProto.combineTakeFirst = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources, but only takes values from the second Observable.
observableProto.combineSecond =
observableProto.combineTakeSecond = function(second) {};
// Combines both sources, merging the results into a
// variable-length Array of values. For example, if
// each source dispatches a Tuple[a, b], `combineMultiple`
// will dispatch an Array of 4 values, [a1, b1, a2, b2].
observableProto.combineAll =
observableProto.combineMerge =
observableProto.combineMultiple = function(second) {};
// Scans the source values into an Array.
observableProto.asList =
observableProto.asArray =
observableProto.scanList = function() {};
// Scans the source values into an Array with Array.prototype.concat,
// which means if a source value is an Array, the source Array's
// values will be inserted into the emitted Array.
observableProto.scanConcat = function() {};
// Selects a value from a sequence. If the source value is an Array,
// the source value is applied to the selector as arguments with
// func.apply. The optional `count` and `parent` values are appended
// to the end of the arguments list.
// Example:
// Rx.Observable.returnValue(["Hey", {name: Paul}])
// .multiSelect(function(message, user) {
// return message + " " + user.name;
// })
// .subscribe(function(customized_greeting){
// console.log(customized_greeting); // prints "Hey Paul"
// });
observableProto.multiSelect =
observableProto.selectMulti =
observableProto.selectMultiple = function(selector, thisArg) {};
observableProto.mulitScan =
observableProto.scanMulti =
observableProto.scanMultiple = function(memoOrSelector, selector) {};
// Concatonates source and selected values from a sequence, emitting an
// Array of all the values. If the source or selected value is an Array,
// the contents are concatonated into a single Array.
// For example:
// Rx.Observable.returnValue([1, 2])
// .selectConcat(function() { return [3, 4] })
// .subscribe(function(values){
// console.log(values); // prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
// });
observableProto.concatSelect =
observableProto.selectConcat = function(selector, thisArg) {};
// Selects the field chain from each source value.
// A field chain can be a string or a list of arguments.
// For example:
// Rx.Observable
// .returnValue({ coords: { global: {x: 10 } } })
// .pluck('coords', 'global', 'x')
// .subscribe(function(x_value) {
// console.log(x_value); // prints 10
// });
// The arguments to `pluck` could also be in these formats:
// pluck('coords.global.x')
// pluck('coords.global', 'x')
// pluck('coords', 'global.x')
// ...etc.
observableProto.pluck =
observableProto.field =
observableProto.valueOf =
observableProto.property =
observableProto.selectField =
observableProto.selectValueAt =
observableProto.selectProperty = function() {};
// Invokes the function chain for each source value.
// Uses each source value as the invocation context.
// If the value in the chain isn't a function, the value is
// selected for instead.
// All arguments after the method_chain are used as arguments
// for each function in the chain, in the order they're specified.
// Arrays are applied to their corresponding function as arguments.
// If a function in the chain doesn't accept arguments but others
// further down the chain do, pass an empty Array to use as a placeholder.
// If a function is returned by one of the functions in the chain,
// passing 'call' in the method_chain will invoke it as part of the chain.
// Example:
// Rx.Observable.returnValue({
// bottomRight: function(rect) {
// return function() {
// return {
// x: function(padding) { return rect.x + rect.width + padding; },
// y: function(padding) { return rect.y + rect.height + padding; }
// };
// }
// }
// })
// .invoke("bottomRight.call.y", {x: 10, width: 50, y: 15, height: 85}, [], 10)
// .subscribe(function(bottom_with_offset) {
// console.log(bottom_with_offset); // prints 110
// })
observableProto.invoke =
observableProto.callMethod =
observableProto.callFunction =
observableProto.callProperty = function(methods) {};
// Filters for source values whose fields match the specified value.
// The first argument is the field to match, remaining arguments are
// treated as a field chain.
// Example:
// Rx.Observable
// .returnValue({ coords: { global: { x: 10 } } })
// .whereEqualTo(10, 'coords.global', 'x')
// .subscribe(function(obj) {
// console.log(obj.coords.global.x); // prints 10
// });
observableProto.whereEquals =
observableProto.whereFieldIs =
observableProto.whereValueIs =
observableProto.whereEqualTo = function(value_to_match) {};
// Filters for source values whose values at the field_or_method chain
// match the specified value.
// Additional arguments are treated as arguments for the methods in the chain.
// See observableProto.invoke for more information on method chains.
observableProto.whereInvoke =
observableProto.whereCallProperty = function(value_to_match, fields_or_methods) {};
// Filters for source values that are greater than (>) the specified value.
// Additional arguments are treated as a field chain.
observableProto.gt =
observableProto.greaterThan =
observableProto.whereGT =
observableProto.whereGreaterThan = function(smaller_value) {};
// Filters for source values that are greater than or equal to (>=) the specified value.
// Additional arguments are treated as a field chain.
observableProto.gte =
observableProto.whereGTE =
observableProto.greaterThanOrEqualTo =
observableProto.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo = function(smaller_or_equal_value) {};
// Filters for source values that are less than (<) the specified value.
// Additional arguments are treated as a field chain.
observableProto.lt =
observableProto.whereLT =
observableProto.lessThan =
observableProto.whereLessThan = function(larger_value) {};
// Filters for source values that are less than or equal to (<=) the specified value.
// Additional arguments are treated as a field chain.
observableProto.lte =
observableProto.whereLTE =
observableProto.lessThanOrEqualTo =
observableProto.whereLessThanOrEqualTo = function(larger_or_equal_value) {};
// Optionally dispatches the last value from the Observable sequence to the supplied
// onCompleted function. Rather than tracking the values in local state or using aggregate,
// takeLast, or publishLast, it's easier to do this. YMMV.
// If onCompleted takes no arguments, it's invoked like normal.
// If onCompleted takes one argument, the last value is passed as the single argument.
// If onCompleted takes multiple arguments and the last value is an Array, the lastValue is
// applied to the function as a list of arguments.
// Otherwise the onComplete function is passed the last value as a single argument.
observableProto.subscribeWithLast = function(onNextOrObserver, onError, onCompleted) {};
// Applies source values to the onNext function as an arguments list with func.apply.
observableProto.subscribeMulti =
observableProto.subscribeMultiple = function(onNextOrObserver, onError, onCompleted) {};
// Applies source values to the onNext function as an arguments list with func.apply
// and calls the onCompleted function with the last emitted value.
observableProto.subscribeMultiWithLast =
observableProto.subscribeMultipleWithLast = function(onNextOrObserver, onError, onCompleted) {}