Reactive RouterModule for RxComp component library
💎 RxComp RouterModule
RxComp Router module for RxComp, developed with RxJs.
lib & dependancy | size
rxcomp-router.min.js |
rxcomp-router.min.js |
rxcomp.min.js |
rxcomp.min.js |
rxjs.min.js |
rxjs.min.js |
Installation and Usage
ES6 via npm
This library depend on RxComp and RxJs
install via npm or include via script
npm install rxjs rxcomp rxcomp-router --save
For CDN, you can use unpkg
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous" SameSite="none Secure"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/umd/rxcomp.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous" SameSite="none Secure"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/umd/rxcomp-router.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous" SameSite="none Secure"></script>
The global namespace for RxComp is rxcomp
import { CoreModule, Module } from 'rxcomp';
The global namespace for RxComp RouterModule is rxcomp.router
Bootstrapping Module
import { Browser, CoreModule, Module } from 'rxcomp';
import { RouterModule } from 'rxcomp-router';
import AppComponent from './app.component';
export default class AppModule extends Module {}
AppModule.meta = {
imports: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/dashboard', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'dashboard', component: IndexComponent, data: { title: 'Dashboard' } },
path: 'detail/:detailId', component: DetailComponent, data: { title: 'Detail' },
children: [
{ path: 'media', component: SubComponent, data: { title: 'Media' } },
{ path: 'files', component: SubComponent, data: { title: 'Files' } }
], canActivateChild: [customActivator],
{ path: 'data/:data', component: DataComponent, data: { title: 'Data' } },
{ path: 'contacts', component: ContactsComponent, data: { title: 'Contacts' }, canActivate: [customActivator] },
{ path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent },
declarations: [
bootstrap: AppComponent,
Location Strategy
You can change the default location strategy using the LocationStrategyHash
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/index', pathMatch: 'full' },
Router events
You can subscribe to router events.
tap((event: RouterEvent) => {
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd
|| event instanceof NavigationCancel
|| event instanceof NavigationError) {
event name | description :--------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| NavigationStart | An event triggered when navigation starts. RoutesRecognized | An event triggered when the Router parses the URL and the routes are recognized. GuardsCheckStart | An event triggered at the start of the Guard phase of routing. ChildActivationStart| An event triggered at the start of the child-activation part of the Resolve phase of routing. ActivationStart | An event triggered at the start of the activation part of the Resolve phase of routing. GuardsCheckEnd | An event triggered at the end of the Guard phase of routing. ResolveStart | An event triggered at the the start of the Resolve phase of routing. ResolveEnd | An event triggered at the end of the Resolve phase of routing. ActivationEnd | An event triggered at the end of the activation part of the Resolve phase of routing. ChildActivationEnd | An event triggered at the end of the child-activation part of the Resolve phase of routing. RouteConfigLoadStart| An event triggered before the Router lazy loads a route configuration. RouteConfigLoadEnd | An event triggered after a route has been lazy loaded. NavigationEnd | An event triggered when navigation ends successfully. NavigationCancel | An event triggered when navigation is canceled. This is due to a Route Guard returning false during navigation. NavigationError | An event triggered when navigation fails due to an unexpected error.
Inspecting route
You can inspect the current activated route data$
or params$
from the host RouterOutlet
export default class DetailComponent extends Component {
host!: RouterOutletStructure;
onInit() {
this.host.route.data$.subscribe(data => {
this.detailId = data.detailId;
static meta: IFactoryMeta = {
selector: '[detail-component]',
hosts: { host: RouterOutletStructure },
template: /* html */`
<div class="title">Detail {{detailId}}</div>
Route Guards
You can implement your custom route guards. There are four type of guards:canDeactivate
, canLoad
, canActivate
and canActivateChild
export class UserLogged implements ICanActivate {
canActivate(route: RouteSnapshot): RouterActivatorResult {
return isLogged ? true : ['/login'];
{ path: 'me', component: UserComponent, canActivate: [UserLogged] },
View component
Extending the View
component you obtain a new meta attribute transitions
With this attribute you can create animations between the enter and leave state of a router view.
Just set an object with this custom properties enter:
, leave:
, from:a-custom-route-path
, to:another-custom-route-path
, once:
Once method will be called only once.
export default class DetailComponent extends View {
static meta: IViewMeta = {
transitions: {
'enter:': (node: IElement) => { ... },
'leave:': (node: IElement) => { ... },
'from:dashboard': (node: IElement) => { ... },
'to:dashboard': (node: IElement) => { ... },
'once:': (node: IElement) => { ... },
On these properties you can return these type of values:
Observable<void> | Promise<void> | (() => void) | void;
To help you implement custom animations you can then use the transition$
observable that has a complete event.
import { transition$, View } from 'rxcomp-router';
export default class DetailComponent extends View {
static meta: IViewMeta = {
transitions: {
'enter:': (node: IElement) => transition$(complete => {
gsap.set(node, { opacity: 0 });
gsap.to(node, {
opacity: 1,
duration: 1,
ease: Power3.easeInOut,
onComplete: () => {
Browser Compatibility
RxComp supports all browsers that are ES5-compliant (IE8 and below are not supported).
Pull requests are welcome and please submit bugs 🐞
Install packages
npm install
Build, Serve & Watch
Build Dist
gulp build --target dist
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback and review. This feedback is appreciated and very helpful 🌈
If you find it helpful, feel free to contribute in keeping this library up to date via PayPal
- Luca Zampetti [email protected]
- Follow @actarian on Twitter
Release Notes
Changelog here.