An lib to create an application which is based on React + Redux + Rxjs + Ramda + Reselect
An lib to create an application which is based on React + Redux + Rxjs + Ramda + Reselect. It supports developer to build React app faster.
Cool features:
- Support auto prefetch components
- Support lazy module loading, dynamic actions
- No reducer needed
- Support async redux action
- Simple action dispatching
- Auto applying reselect to improve app rendering performance
- Auto load/save app state using localStorage
- Hello world
- Prefetchable component
- Auto load/save app state
- Todo list
- $async usage
- Free drawing component
- Dots game
- Huge Form (200 inputs)
- Form and react-select
Hello world
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { create } from "rxa";
// create app with intial state
const app = create({ name: "World" })
// register hello action
.action("hello", (name, postfix) => alert(`Hello ${name}${postfix}`));
// create connection
const helloButtonConnect = app.connect(
// properties mapper, it receives 3 arguments state, actions, ownProps
({ name }, { hello }) => ({
const HelloButton = helloButtonConnect(({ name, hello }) => (
<button onClick={() => hello(name, " !!!")}>Click me</button>
<HelloButton />
document.getElementById("root") || document.body
Prefetchable component
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { create } from "rxa";
// create app with intial state
const app = create({ user: "linq2js" }).action(
"updateUser:user", // state prop
x => x.toLowerCase()
const userInfoConnect = app.connect(
// extract user from store
({ user }) => ({ user }),
// pass user to fetching action
({ user }) => user,
// extract user from props and pass it to fetching action
user => fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${user}`).then(x => x.json())
// create user info component
const UserInfo = userInfoConnect(({ $fetch }) => (
? JSON.stringify($fetch.error)
: $fetch.loading
? "Fetching user data"
: JSON.stringify($fetch.payload, null, 4)}
{$fetch.payload && (
<a href={$fetch.payload.html_url} target="_blank">
<img src={$fetch.payload.avatar_url} width={200} alt="User Avatar" />
const userInputConnect = app.connect(
// extract user from store and updateUser from action collection
({ user }, { updateUser }) => ({ user, updateUser })
// create user input component
const UserInput = userInputConnect(({ user, updateUser }) => (
<input type="text" onChange={e => updateUser(e.target.value)} value={user} />
<UserInput />
<UserInfo />
document.getElementById("root") || document.body
Auto load/save app state
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { create } from "rxa";
// create app with intial state
const app = create("appState", { counter: 0 })
// register hello action
.action("updateCounter:counter", () => ({ $current }) =>
$current() + 1
// create connection
const counterConnect = app.connect(
// properties mapper, it retrieves 3 arguments state, actions, ownProps
({ counter }, { updateCounter }) => ({
const Counter = counterConnect(({ counter, updateCounter }) => (
<button onClick={updateCounter}>Counter: {counter}</button>
<Counter />
document.getElementById("root") || document.body
API References:
- create
- app.action
- app.actions
- app.autoSave
- app.connect
- app.debounce
- app.dispatch
- app.getState
- app.invoke
- app.Provider
- app.reducer
- app.selector
- app.subscribe
create(initialState: object): app Create new application with initial state
create(localStorageKey: string, defaultState: object): app Create new application and load state from localStorage with give key. If nothing loaded, defaultState will be used
app.action(statePropAndActionName: string, action: function): app Register new action. Action result will update to given state property name automatically. Supports object property path
app.action(stateProp: string, action: function, actionName: string): app Register new action with specified actionName. Action result will update to given state property name automatically. Supports object property path
app.action(stateProp: string, action: function, options: ActionOptions): app Register new action with specified options. Action result will update to given state property name automatically. Supports object property path. Available options:
- single: bool For async action only. Action only executes once at the same time. The previous execution will be stopped if there is new execution.
- dispatchStatus For async action only. Will dispatch executing status of this action when it is changed (loading, success, fail...).
app.connect((state, actions) => {
const { submitAsync } = actions;
Instead of returning a partial state object directly, an action can return a function that takes action collection. Action collection contains margin actions ($state, $current, $done, $fail, $success)
app.action('test', () => ( actions ) => {
const { $state, $current, $done, $fail, $success, $async } = actions;
$state(); // get current state
$current(); // get current state prop value
$done(() => alert('done')); // execute callback once current action done
$success(() => alert('success')); // execute callback once current action success
$fail(() => alert('fail')); // execute callback once current action fail
return fetch(url);
For $async magic action, see <a href="https://codesandbox.io/s/8klzr8q558">$async usage</a>
app.actions(actionModel: object): app Register multiple actions at once
username: x => x, // change user
password: x => x, // change password
__: [x => x, { single: true, name: 'submit' }], // register action with an options
account: { // can register new action under specified action group/namespace
create: x => x
app.autoSave(): app Enable auto save with default options
app.autoSave(localStorageKey: string): app Enable auto save with specified localStorageKey
app.autoSave(options: object): app Enable auto save with an options. Available options:
- key: string localStorage key to be used for saving app state
- debounce: number specific debounce time to delay saving
app.connect(propsMapper: (state, actions) => object): ReduxConnection Create Redux Connection with specified propsMapper
app.connect(propsMapper: (state, actions) => object, prefetch: () => Promise: ReduxConnection Create Redux Connection with specified propsMapper and specific prefetch action.
app.connect(propsMapper: (state, actions) => object, prefetchArgsSelector: (props) => prefetchArgs, prefetch: prefetchArgs => Promise): ReduxConnection Create Redux Connection with specified propsMapper and specific prefetch action. prefetchArgsSelector will be called to select args for prefetch action
See Prefetchable component for usage.
app.debounce(func: function, delay: number) Create debounced function wrapper with specified delay time
app.dispatch(action): app Call redux store.dispatch(action)
app.getState(): state Call redux store.getState()
app.Provider Return binded Redux Provider
app.reducer(reducer: function)
Register redux reducer for special purpose
app.selector(...args): Selector Call reselect.createSelector(...args)
app.subscribe(state => any): Subscription Adds a change listener. It will be called any time an action is dispatched, and some part of the state tree may potentially have changed